Rok Urbanček
Prisilne počitnice // Holidays Under Constraint
Tu je bil to čas, ki se je izkoristil za obnovitev okolice in spomina s križanko; ko se je kurilnica »posvetila« in ko smo kruh spekli doma. Čeprav ni bilo vse zlato in je pogled pogrešal druge kraje, nam v teh ni bilo hudo – karantena je bila humorno bolj podobna »problemu prvega sveta«.
Serija Prisilne počitnice skuša v objektiv ujeti zanimivo opažanje sredi virusne situacije: na vasi, kjer so bivalne površine običajno večje, ptiči na vrtovih poleg njih pa nudijo hiter opomin na spokojnost narave, se je življenje v času virusa le še bolj pozitivno ustavilo.
Here this was a time that was used to renew surroundings and memory with crossword-puzzle; when the boiler room “shined” and bread was baked in home fire. Though not everything was golden and the look was missing other places, we were not bad off in this ones – the quarantine was humorously closer to “a first world problem”.
// The series Holidays under constraint tries to capture (into the lens) an interesting observation of the virus situation: in rural areas, where living areas are usually larger and the birds in gardens next to them offer a fast reminder of the natural placid, the life in the time of virus stopped positively even further.
DUP // DAP 3 | Sodobne umetniške prakse: Delavnica Dokumentarni esej // Contemporary Art Practices: Documentary Essay Workshop | Mentor: Tadej Žnidarčič