Aljaž Lavrič
Ribe in Brda // Fish and Brda
Moja prva ideja za to foto serijo je bila, da fotografiram piransko marino, ribiče in njihove barke med časom pandemije. Opazil sem, da se dosti stvari na obali ni spremenilo. Kasneje sem se za mesec dni preselil v Goriška Brda, kjer sem opazil podobno situacijo. Zato sem se odločil da bom podobnosti lokacij uprizoril v diptihu. Zgoraj so fotografije iz Pirana, odspodaj pa fotografije iz Brd.
My first idea for this series was to take photos of Piran’s marina, fishermen and their boats in the time of the pandemic. I noticed that most of the stuff on the coast didn’t change. Later on I went to live in Goriška Brda for a month, where I noticed the same situation. Therefore I decided that i will present the similarities in a diptych. Above are photos from Piran and below are photos of Brda.
DUP // DAP 2 | Sodobne umetniške prakse: Delavnica Dokumentarni esej // Contemporary Art Practices: Documentary Essay Workshop | Mentor: Tadej Žnidarčič