Parisa Zaeri
Moj ostani-doma // My Stay-At-Home
To je moja medvedka, Valen. Valen je prijateljica moje osamljenosti. Ko se razburim, se z njo obrnem nanjo in pogovorim z njo. Ko jo objamem, občutim mehko udobje. Ko ji pogledam v oči, v njih vidim cel svet. Skupaj sva preživeli dobre in slabe čase. Najboljše pri njej je, da je vedno tu, ko se počutim žalostno in osamljeno. V času korone sva preživeli največ časa skupaj. Pili sva kavo, igrali tenis in tako naprej. Čeprav je prijateljica v osamljenosti, sem bila v času korone, pomanjkanja prijateljev, bolj osamljena kot ona, saj je povabila svojo prijateljico na najine bralne urice, medtem, ko jaz nisem imela nikogar. Medtem ko je gledala skozi vrata, in sanjala, da bi šla ven, sem ji zaprla oči, da ne imela te želje. Tako jo imam rada in skrbela sem zanjo enako kot zase. Na obraz sem ji nadela masko in ji razkužila roke. Zdaj je post-korona čas. Sem v dilemi in se čudno počutim. Po eni strani se želim osvoboditi ostani-doma in zapustiti hišo. Po drugi strani ne morem pustiti same najboljše prijateljice v osamljenosti. V tej ambivalentnosti sem izbrala svobodo. Vendar to ne pomeni, da sem zapustila Valen v osami. V svojem osamljenem svetu je svobodna.
// This is my teddy bear called Valen. Valen is the friend of my loneliness. I refer and talk to her when I’m upset. It gives me a soft comfort when I hug her. She has a world in her eyes when I look at them. We have had good and bad times together. The best thing about her is that she is always there for me when I’m feeling down and lonely. At Corona time, we have passed the longest time ever with each other. We had coffee, played tennis and so on. Although she is a friend of loneliness, at that time of Corona friendlessness I was lonelier than she was because she invited her friend in our reading time while I didn’t have any. While she was looking out through the door, fancy going out, I closed her eyes not to desire to go out. I love her so much and took care of her the same way as I did for myself. I put a mask on her face and sanitized her hands. Now it is the Post Corona time. I am in a dilemma feeling strange. On the one hand I wish to get free of the Stay-At-Home and leave the house. On the other hand, I can’t leave my best friend of loneliness alone. Apart from this ambivalence I went for freedom. However, it didn’t mean that I left Valen in loneliness. She is free in her lonely world.
DUP // DAP 2 | Sodobne umetniške prakse: Delavnica Dokumentarni esej //Contemporary Art Practices: Documentary Essay Workshop | Mentor: Tadej Žnidarčič