Reene Stanič
Pomagaj, če lahko // Help if you can
V sklopu delavnice Dokumentarni esej, sem naredila manjšo serijo fotografij izdelave zaščitnih mask. Fotografirala sem sorodnico, ki je v teh razmerah na prošnjo občine priskočila na pomoč pri izdelavi zaščitne opreme. Fotografije so bile posnete v njenem delovnem okolju, v času, ko je novi Koronavirus v Sloveniji predstavljal kar veliko grožnjo. Z zadnjo fotografijo v seriji pa sem hotela predstaviti stisko posameznika, o hrepenenju normalnega življenja, katera se je pojavila v teh časih.
// For the workshop of the Documentary essay I did a small series of photos of the making of the face masks used for the protection. I took the photographs of my relative, which was asked to create the masks for our municipality. The photographs were taken in her lavorative space, in the time when Coronavirus was presenting a big threat here in Slovenia. With the last photograph from the series I wanted to present the distress of an individual, which is nostalgic of the normal life as we all knew it before all this chaos.
DUP // DAP 1 | Sodobne umetniške prakse: Delavnica Dokumentarni esej //Contemporary Art Practices: Documentary Essay Workshop | Mentor: Tadej Žnidarčič