Zaryab Tariq
Nomadsko življenje // Nomadic life
Za to delavnico dokumentarne fotografije sem se odločil za dokumentirati brezdomne nomadske prebivalce majhnega mesta v Lahoreju v Pakistanu. Z njimi sem preživel cel dan, poskušal sem ujeti njihov življenjski slog, kako živijo in ali je kakšna razlika v njihovem življenju pred ali po tej pandemiji. Moj glavni cilj in razlog, da naredim dokumentacijo o njih je, da pokažem razliko med nami in njimi. Kako jih življenje tretira ter kako je na njih vplivala ta pandemijo. Živijo na ilegalni posesti v ročno izdelanih šotorih, mini hišah iz kosov tkanine in lesa. Njihovo življenje je popolnoma drugačno, pobirajo odpadke, prodajajo reciklirane predmete ali pa prosijo na cestah. Z njimi sem preživel nekaj časa in poskušal ujeti njihovo dnevno rutino.
// For this documentary photography workshop, I chose to do a documentary on homeless nomadic people of a small town in Lahore, Pakistan. I spent a whole day with them, I tried to capture their lifestyle how they are living and if there is any difference in their lives before or after this Pandemic. My main goal and reason to do documentation of them was to show the difference between us and them. How life is treating them as well as this Pandemic. They live on an illegal property in their handmade tent mini houses made of cloth pieces and woods. Life is totally different for them, they pick waste, sell recycle items or they beg on roads. I spent time there and tried to capture their daily routine.
DUP // DAP 1 | Sodobne umetniške prakse: Delavnica Dokumentarni esej //Contemporary Art Practices: Documentary Essay Workshop | Mentor: Tadej Žnidarčič