Carolina Silveira
Zloženi in osamljeni // Stacked and Lonely
Na Portugalskem smo bili blagoslovljeni s sončnim vremenom. Smo družabni ljudje, ki se radi zbiramo ob hrani in kavi, naš najljubši način uživanja pa je na terasah kavarn, sedeč pod soncem. V maju se začnejo kazati znaki poletnega turizma in tu lahko najdete turiste in njihove sončne opekline, v mojem mestu Aveiro pa so vedno naokrog študenti, ki poživijo mesto.
Letos je drugače. Leta 2020 so ulice prazne, stoli, na katerih bi sedeli zunaj in si privoščili kavo z vetričem, so zdaj zloženi v čakanju na boljše dni. Študenti, ki bi napolnili ulice, sedijo doma in se borijo s spletnim učenjem, turisti so v svojih državah, starejši ljudje pa so tisti, ki jih večinoma vidimo zunaj, sedijo sami, maske pa jim pokrivajo obraze.
// In Portugal we were blessed with sunny weather. We are social people who like to gather around food and coffee and our preferred way to enjoy those is on the cafe’s terraces, sitting under the sun. In May, the signs of the summer tourism start showing up and you can find tourists and their sunburns walking around, although, in my city, Aveiro, there is always movement from the students that brighten the city.
This is a different year though. In 2020 the streets are empty and the chairs where we would sit outside and enjoy our coffee with a breeze, are now stacked waiting for better days to come. The students that would fill the streets sit at home and struggle with online classes, the tourists are in their countries and the older people are the ones we mostly find sitting outside by themselves, with their faces covered with masks.
MUP // MAP 1 | Sodobne umetniške prakse: Delavnica Dokumentarni esej // Contemporary Art Practices: Documentary Essay Workshop | Mentor: Tadej Žnidarčič