Domen Vinko
Mati narava // Mother Nature
Narava mi je od nekdaj bila všeč. Bila je prostor, v katerem sem se lahko sprostil. V času pandemije je bila edini razlog izstopa iz hiše. Med sprehodi sem začel premišljevat o naravi kot temačna sila. Takrat se je moje mišljene o njej spremenilo. Ni več nekakšna dobra stvar ki nudi človeštvu vse potrebne stvari, ampak jih lahko tudi vzame.
S serijo sem hotel prikazati večnost narave in nekaj skritega, groznega v njej.
// I have always liked nature. It was a place where I could relax. At the time of the pandemic, she was the only reason to leave the house. During the walks, I began to think of nature as a dark force. That’s when my opinion of her changed. It is no longer some good thing that offers humanity all the necessary things, but it can also take them away. With the series, I wanted to show the eternity of nature and something hidden, horrible in it.
DUP // DAP 2 | Sodobne umetniške prakse: Delavnica Dokumentarni esej // Contemporary Art Practices: Documentary Essay Workshop | Mentor: Tadej Žnidarčič