Skupnost… Dokumentarni esej // Community… Documentary essay


Trenutni čas je izjemen. Vse od časa španske gripe, leta 1918, svet ni doživel podobne pandemije kot je pandemija koronavirusa. Kar je bilo ne dolgo nazaj popolnoma običajno, je postalo odsvetovano, sumljivo, prepovedano. Kaj lahko fotografi dokumentirajo, ko naj bi bili večinoma doma in naj bi bili stiki z drugimi ljudmi omejeni na minimum? Kako dokumentirati praznino, osamitev, tesnobo? Študenti so se lotili teh in podobnih vprašanj in se vsak na svoj način odzvali na trenutno situacijo. Rezultat njihovega dela so raznoliki fotografski projekti – od klasične dokumentacije mesta do osebne zgodbe, ki sega v surrealno, od internetnih portretov do temačnega videnja narave.

Ko govorimo o dokumentarni fotografiji običajno mislimo na fotografiranje ‘drugega’ – od otrok z ulice v neki tuji državi do reciklažnega centra za vogalom. Poleg tega pa zajema sodobna dokumentarna fotografija tudi osebne dokumentarne projekte o svojih bližnjih, lastni družini in prijateljih, ter tudi dokumentacijo prostorov in lokacij.

// When we talk about documentary photography, we usually talk about photographing the ‘other’ – from street children in a foreign country to a recycling center around the corner. In addition, contemporary documentary photography also includes personal documentary projects about one’s loved ones, one’s own family and friends, as well as documentation of spaces and locations.

The current time is unique. Ever since the Spanish flu, in 1918, the world has not experienced a pandemic similar to the coronavirus pandemic. What was completely normal not long time ago has become discouraged, suspicious, forbidden. What can photographers document when they are supposed to be mostly at home and contact with other people is supposed to be kept to a minimum? How to document emptiness, loneliness, anxiety? The students tackled these and similar questions and each responded in his or her own way to the current situation. The result of their work is a variety of photographic projects – from the classic documentation of the city to a personal story that reaches into the surreal, from internet portraits to a dark vision of nature.

DUP & MUP // DAP & MAP | Sodobne umetniške prakse: Delavnica Dokumentarni esej // Contemporary Art Practices: Documentary Essay Workshop | Mentor & avtor teksta // Mentor & Text by: Tadej Žnidarčič