Videofilm – študijske vaje // Study exercises

Osnovna izhodišča za realizacijo vaj so: spodbujanje kreativnosti študentov in artikuliranje njihovega filmskega izraza, oblikovanega po v naprej določenih parametrih. Študent Alen Dolšak (letos 3. letnik DUP) predstavlja tudi film, ki bi moral nastati v lanskem letu, zato ga omenjamo kot delo 2. letnika. // The basic starting points for the realization of the exercises are: encouraging the creativity of students and articulating their film expression, formed according to predetermined parameters. Student Alen Dolšak (this year the 3rd year of DUP) also presents a film that should have been made last year, so we mention it as a work of the 2nd year.

| Vodja nosilnega modula Videofilm // Videofilm carrier module leader: Boštjan Vrhovec