Videofilm – študijske vaje // Study exercises

PORTRET OSEBE, 2. letnik // PORTRAIT OF A PERSON, 2nd year

Izbrano osebo predstaviti na način, da bo jasen odnos med predstavljenim subjektom in avtorjem filmskega dela. // To present the portreyed in such a way that there will be a clear relationship between the presented subject and the author of the film work.

| Mentor: Boštjan Vrhovec

Nika Karner, 2. letnik // 2nd year
Dokumentarni film o mladem slikarju in njegovem pogledom nad danim medijem. // A documentary film about a young artist and his view on the medium.

Martin Lozej
Kaj potrebuje heroj? Dokumentarni film o modri odločitvi prijatelja, ki je celotno puberteto preživel z igranjem igre Dota 2, dosegel visoko mesto na svetovni lestvici in o vseh njegovih pustolovščin. // What does a hero truly need? Documentary about my friend’s wise decision on spending his puberty playing Dota2, chasing those sweet leaderboards and all the adventures along the way.

Luka Mavrič
Zgodba none in nonota. Nono in nona razložita svojo preteklost, nato pa skupno pot. // The story of my grandparents. My grandparents tell about their past and their journey together.

Kristian Petrovčič
V kratkem dokumentarnem filmu je predstavljeno življenje Tineta Kanclerja ter njegova zgodba o že dosedanjih dosežkih, s krati pa apelira na prihodnost in bodoče zmage. // This short documentary features the life of a professional athlete, Tine Kancler, and his achievements so far.

Renee Stanič
Za dokumentarni film, v katerem smo morali predstaviti eno osebo sem si izbrala mojo babico, saj je zelo pomembna oseba v mojem življenju, in menim, da sem se s tem namenom lažje približala in posnela vse stvari. V filmu sem želela predstaviti njen odnos do vnukov, pripravi jim kosilo, nato pa se vsi usedejo za mizo, kjer jim babica pripoveduje zgodbe. // For the documentary, in which we had to introduce one person, I chose my grandmother, as she is a very important person in my life, and I think it was easier for me to get closer and film all the things for that purpose. In the film, I wanted to present her attitude towards her grandchildren, prepare lunch for them, and then everyone sits down at a table where the grandmother tells them stories.

Staš Zupanc
Film Monopolarnost je dokumentarni film o glasbenem producentu in rapperju Janku Kikcu. Govori o njegovi težki preteklosti bojevanja z bipolarno motnjo ter njegovim večletnim procesom izhoda iz tega temačnega obdobja. // Film Monopolarity is a documentary film about Jan Kikec, who is a rapper and music producer. It presents his rough past, where he was battling with bipolar disorder, and his escape from that dark place, which took him years.

Matej Rimanić
Film govori o dekletu, ki ustvarja uhane. // The film is about a girl that is selling earings.

Una Savić
Maja izgleda kot običajno dekle, ki živi normalno življenje. Vendar živi dvojno življenje, kjer je slavna oseba na internetu – BabyG988. V dokumentarnem filmu razloži kako ji uspeva živeti dvojno življenje. // Maja seems like an ordinary girl who is living a normal life. However, she leads a secret life online, where she is an internet celebrity (BabyG988). In the documentary she explains what it’s like living her double life.