Igrani projekt // FICTION FILM PROJECT
Pojasnilo mentorja // Explanation by mentor Boštjan Vrhovec: Spoznavanje strukture kratkega filma, tako dramske kot izrazno vizualne, je proces v katerega stopajo študentje 2. letnika. Napisati morajo tekst in ga skozi vse razvojne faze oblikovati v scenarij ter ga organizacijsko in izvedbeno realizirati. Projekt Alena Dolška je bil končan v 1. semestru štud. leta 2020/21. // Getting to know the structure of a short film, both dramatic and expressively visual, is a process that 2nd year students enter. They have to write the text and shape it into a script through all developmental stages, and realize it organizationally and implementation. Alen Dolšak’s project was completed in the 1st semester of stud. in the summer of 2020/21.