V zimskem semestru 2020/21 je modul Novi Mediji ponudil dve skupinski deli in eno individualno raziskovalno kreacijo na dodiplomskem študiju, medtem ko smo v okviru magistrskega programa Medijskih umetnosti in praks zaključili projekt MAST, ki na pričujoči razstavi zajema študentske projekte v okviru Hybrid Interfacing Academy, objavo Priročnika MAST, pa tudi izvirna (video) DJ seta na festivalu SAJETA CONTINUUM, ki sta ju izvedla naša MAST alumna. V okviru Digitalnih umetnosti in praks se je semester zaključil s premiero osupljivo popolne računalniške igre zmenkarskega simulatorja “Oh My Gods”, ki jo je zasnovala in sproducirala večja skupina študentov drugega letnika. Delo v prvem letniku opisuje dokumentarni prikaz dveh sklopov izdelkov delavnic “DIY Electronic Arts.” “Sunek vetra” pa prinaša v diplomsko delo usmerjeno raziskovanje zdravilne moči Burje študenta tretjega letnika Novih medijev. // In the Winter semester of 2020/21 the New Media module brought about two group works and one individual investigative creation at undergraduate level, while within Media Arts and Practices we finished the project MAST, featuring student projects thorugh a Showcase at the Hybrid Interfacing Academy, the publication of the MAST Manual, as well as two live-streamed (video)DJ sets at the SAJETA CONTINUUM festival by our two MAST alumni. Within the BA Digital Arts and Practices programme the semester ended with the premiere of a stunningly complete dating simulator computer game “Oh My Gods” conceived and produced by a large group of second-year students, followed by a documentary account of two sets of “DIY Electronic Arts” workshop products by first-year students, and not least the “Gust of Wind,” a diploma-work motivated exploration on the healing power of the Bora wind.
| Vodja nosilnega modula Novi mediji // New media carrier module leader: prof. dr. Peter Purg
Pričujoče delo temelji na znanstvenih podatkih o vetru, ki opisujejo njegove, hitrostne in gibalne načine. Tako kot raziskovalci in prevajalci starodavnih jezikov tudi mi skušamo podatke o vetru prevesti v glasbeni jezik, raziskujemo, kako se lahko ta umetniški prevzem duhovnosti, predstavljen v sunkih vetra Bore, prevede v glasbo, neizogibani Bora zdravilni veter. // The present work is based on scientific wind data, describing its, speed and movement modalities. Just like the researchers and translators of ancient languages, we seek to translate the wind data into the language of music, exploring how this artistic take on spirituality, represented in the gusts of Bora wind, may be translated into music, the unharnessed Bora becomes the healing wind.
(podoba: slika Williama Turnerja Snow Storm // image: painting by William Turner Snow Storm)
–Veter je bil vedno pomemben del našega življenja. Sodobna letala uporabljajo veter za povečanje dviga in varčevanje z gorivom. Sunek vetra je delo, specifično za posamezno lokacijo, ki temelji na vetru burja v Sloveniji, ki ga omenjajo številne lokalne legende in ga pogosto imenujejo tudi zdravilni veter. Beseda duh ima enak izvor kot beseda dihanje, izhajata iz latinske besede Spiritus, kar pomeni “sunek vetra”. Beseda zdravje izhaja iz staroangleške koreninske besede “hal”, kar pomeni “celostno zdravljenje, zdravljenje in dihanje”. Beseda ozdraviti je v srednji angleščini beseda za harmonijo, ki je povezana s stanjem izven ritma. Veter je pretok zraka, ki se premika. Zvok se širi po zraku in zahvaljujoč vetru njegova hitrost raste. Delo temelji na podatkih o vetru, kot so hitrost in gibanje. Tako, kot raziskovalci in prevajalci starodavnih jezikov, tudi umetnik podatke o vetru prevaja v jezik zvokov in glasbe, ter tako ugotavlja, kako duhovnost (sunki vetra) zdravi (glasba), in postaja burja, zdravilni veter. // —The wind has always been an important part of our life. Modern aircraft use the wind to increase lift and save fuel. A gust of wind is a site-specific work that is based on Bora wind, the famous wind in Slovenia which is mentioned in many local legends and is often called the healing wind. It often gets personified as it directly affects peoples’ lives, architecture and agriculture. Bora is particularly difficult to tame for extracting energy. The word “spirit” shares the same origin “respiration”, both derive from the Latin “Spiritus” which means a “gust of wind.” The word health comes from the Old English root word “hal” which means “whole healing, healing and breathing”. The word (heal) comes from the Old English (Hal) root word which means whole (healing and breathing in). The word (heal) in Middle North English also means (make a sound) to become healthy. Sound propagates through the air and thanks to the wind its’ speed becomes faster. The present work is based on scientific wind data, describing its’, speed and movement modalities. Just like the researchers and translators of ancient languages, we seek to translate the wind data into the language of music, exploring how this artistic take on spirituality, represented in the gusts of Bora wind, may be translated into music, the unharnessed Bora becomes the healing wind.
| Mentor: Prof. dr. Peter Purg

Oh my Gods
Ustvarili // Made by: Yevheniya Lyubchyk, Wadha Amoor, Matej Rimanić, Tijana Mijušković, Maksimilian Zabukovec, Una Savić, Jelena Cambj
“Oh my Gods” je kolektivno delo sedmih študentov. Gre za zmenkarski simulator, v katerem lahko greš na zmenek s katerim od štirih bogov z namenom, da ti pomagajo postati nesmrten_na. Kriterij za posamezne like je bil predvsem raznolikost, zato so bogovi v igri iz različnih mitologij (grške, egipčanske, havajske in skandinavske). Namen zmenkarskih simulatorjev je preprosto zabava; ne preveč razmišljanja, samo zabava. Ideja za ta “pobeg” se je pojavila sredi karantene korona virusa, ko nas je večina pod stresom in iščemo nekaj, da nam bi pomagalo pobegniti resničnosti za vsaj nekaj minut. // “Oh my Gods” is a collective work of seven students. A dating simulator in which you can go out on a date with four different Gods with the intention of making them help you to become immortal. The idea was for the characters to be diverse, so the Gods that were implemented in the game come from different mythologies (Greek, Egyptian, Hawaiian and Norse). The purpose of dating simulators and visual novels is simply entertainment; not much thinking and just having fun is what it’s all about. The idea for this kind of an entertaining “escape” arose amidst the coronavirus lockdown, a time when most of us are stressed and looking for something to help us escape reality, at least for a few minutes.
| Mentor: Prof. dr. Peter Purg
Kako igrati?
1. Naložite zip datoteko na računalnik
2. Pritisnite desni klik na naloženo zip datoteko in izberite extract to
3. Odprite ohmygods.exe
How to play?
1. Download the zip file
2. Right click the downloaded zip and choose extract to
3. Run ohmygods.exe