Delavnica DIY elektronske umetnosti (KONS) // Workshop DIY Electronic Arts (KONS)
Na delavnici so študentje iskali inovativne načine za kritično udejstvovanje, razumevanja sveta in pogleda v prihodnost. K spoznavanju elektronike v umetniških praksah, ki je stalnica te vsakoletne delavnice letos dodajamo nova orodja, tehnike in najsodobnejše tehnologije za prototipiranje in razvoj umetniških del ali projektov. Študentje so učinkovito in hitro materializirali svoje ideje, in ugotavljali kako s dotikom, pritiskom, gibanjem lahko oni sami ali uporabniki njihovih del ustvarijo svetlobo, zvok, vibracije. Delali so s neprevodnimi, kapacitivnimi in prevodnimi materiali, elektronskimi komponentami, mikrokrmilniki in vezji ter uporabljali sodobne tehnike računalniške izvedbe oz. orodja za prototipiranje (3d tiskalnik, laserski rezalnik in tekstilno prešo). //
At the workshop, students are looking for innovative ways to engage critically, to understand the world, and look into the future. This year, we added new tools, techniques and state-of-the-art technologies for prototyping and developing works of art or projects, to the knowledge of electronics in artistic practices, which is a constant of DIY workshops. Students materialized their ideas efficiently and quickly, and they found out how the users of their works can create light, sound, vibrations by touching, pressing and moving. They worked with non-conductive, capacitive and conductive materials, electronic components, microcontrollers and circuits and used modern computer techniques for prototyping (3d printer, laser cutter and textile press).
| Mentorja // Mentors: Lavoslava Benčić, Tomo Per
Koproducent// Co-producer: RogLab

Luč ljubezni, video o izdelku // Lamp of love, video about the product
Una Savić
To “luč” sem izdelala kot darilo za mojega fanta. Res sem bila motivirana, saj sem imela polno umetniško svobodo. Naredila sem škatlo v kateri je bil shranjen “mehanizem”, uporabila sem program za ustvarjanje škatel. Eden izmed mentorjev mi je pomagal ustvariti škatlo tako, da je z laserjem razrezal dele plastike, da so se ujemale z zunanjo podobo škatle, ki sem jo izrisala na računalniku. Vse dele sem skupaj sestavila z vročim lepilom. Izris podobe mene in mojega fanta sem najprej narisala na papir nato pa z laserjem na del prozorne plastike, ki je na vrhu škatle. Mentor mi je pomagal povezati barvno spreminjajoče dijode z mehanizmom. S tem sem omogočila, da luč dela z uporabo stikala na zunanji strani moje škatle. Navdušena sem nad izidom! // I created this “lamp” as a gift for my boyfriend. I was really motivated to create this, because I had complete creative freedom. I made the box in which the inside “mechanism” is stored using a box creating software. One of the mentors helped me create that box by cutting pieces of plastic with a laser to match the outline of the box that I created on computer. I hot glued the pieces together. We also used a laser to draw the image of me and my boyfriend on the seethrough plastic piece that’s on the top, which I drew on paper before. Mentors helped me connect the color changing diodes to the mechanism and make them work using a switch which we drilled on the outside of my box. I love how it turned out!

Gugalnica, video o delavnici in izdelku // The swing , video about the workshop and product
Kristian Petrovčič, Staš Zupanc
Delavnica je bila v osnovi sestavljena iz dveh delov. V prvem delu se je vsak posameznik odločil narediti mp3 predvajalnik. Osebno, se mi je zdel najbolj zanimiv del, ko smo z spajkanjem na vezje pritrdili vse potrebne žice za delovanje samega predvajalnika. Potem je sledila še izdelava treh gumbov, ki so bili kasneje postavljeni vsak v svoj kot in so imeli funkcijo kot npr. Predvajanje, pavza, naprej/nazaj. Gumbi so bili sestavljeni iz navadnega ter prevodnega materiala, ki je bil z prevodno žico povezan z samim vezjem. Za konec smo končni izdelek povezali z računalnikom, naložili nekaj pesmi ter preverili, če deluje.
V drugem delu, smo se povezali v skupine ter izdelali projekt na podlagi svoje zamisli. Z Stašem Zupancem sva izdelala gugalnico, ki se je premikala med dvema posebnima senzorjema. Ti senzorji so bili občutljivi na svetlobo, kar je pomenilo, da so se lučke vedno izmenjevale. Izdelava samega modela se je začela v programu Adobe Ilustrator, nato nadaljevala tako, da smo narisano, iz pleksi stekla izrezali s pomočjo laserja in za konec vse pritrdila na podlago. Dodala sva še dva posebna vezja, ki sta omogočala izmenjevanje električnega toka na podlagi količine svetlobe, ki je bila na voljo. // The workshop was divided into two sections. In part one, every individual decided to make an mp3 player. Personally, I found the most interesting part when we soldered all the necessary wires to the chipset to operate the player itself. This was followed by the production of three special buttons, which were then put into their own corners and had a function such as. Play, pause, forward/rewind. The buttons were made of smooth, conductive materials, which were connected to the chipset itself through a conductive wire. Finally, we connected the final product to the computer, downloaded some songs and checked if it works.
In the second part, we connected in small groups and created a project based on our ideas. Staš Zupance and I made a swing that moved between two special sensors. These sensors were sensitive to light, which meant the lights were always alternating. The production of the model itself began in the Adobe Illustrator program, then continued with the model we drew, which we cut out of a plexiglass with the help of a laser and finally attached everything to the base. We added two more special chipsets that allowed the exchange of electricity based on the amount of light available.