Napovednik predstavi zaključno razstavno postavitev projekta MAST v galeriji Modul Zavoda Kersnikova v Ljubljani, prikazana so ključna dela naših študentov (M. Godec, V. Kuzmich & A. Khadka, H. Thummel) ter najpomembnejši rezultati projekta, ki se je zaključil novembra 2020. // The trailer shows the final exhibition of the MAST project in the Modul Gallery of the Kersnikova Institute in Ljubljana, key works by our students (M. Godec, V. Kuzmich & A. Khadka, H. Thummel) are presented along the most important results of the project that ended in November 2020.
Celotna predstavitev razstave // Long presentation of exhibition:
Projekt MAST je razvil uporabni študijski modul na stičiščih umetnosti, znanosti in tehnologije. Modul združuje metodologije in prakse, ki akademsko sfero tesno prepletajo s kreativnimi in kulturnimi sektorji. Študenti iz različnih držav in disciplin so se pod mentorstvom inženirjev, znanstvenikov in umetnikov v partnerstvu z nevladnimi organizacijami in industrijskimi partnerji skupaj spoprijeli z izzivi, ki izhajajo iz paradoksa med očitno različnimi agendami evropskih inovacij na eni strani in družbeno pravičnostjo na drugi. Na Akademiji umetnosti UNG smo v okviru Medijskih umetnosti in praks zaključili projekt s predstavitvijo študentskih projektov v okviru Hybrid Interfacing Academy, objavo Priročnika MAST, predstavljena pa sta tudi izvirna (video) DJ seta na festivalu SAJETA CONTINUUM, ki sta ju izvedla naša MAST alumna. // The MAST project developed an applied study module at the intersections of Art, Science and Technology, combining methodologies and practices that intertwine the academic sphere closely with the Culture and Creative Sectors. Students from different countries and disciplines had, under mentorship of engineers, scientists and artists, in partnership with relevant NGOs and industry partners, jointly tackled challenges emerging from the paradox between the obviously disparate agendas of Europe’s innovation on one side, and social equity on the other. At the School of Arts UNG postgraduate programme Media Arts and Practices we finished the project with featuring the student projects within a Showcase at the Hybrid Interfacing Academy, the publication of the MAST Manual, as well as two live-streamed (video)DJ sets at the SAJETA CONTINUUM festival by our two MAST alumni.
Študentje so se skozi vrsto intenzivnih delavnic ter e-izobraževaja soočali z izzivi, kako v okviru vrednot Socialne Evrope interdisiplinarno reševati prihodnost Dela in Državljanstva. Več na: //
Along a range of intensive workshops and online learning events students faced challenges of how to save the future of Work and Citizenship in interdisciplinary ways, and within the values of Social Europe . More at:
Poglejte si tudi video refleksijo našega dodiplomskega študenta Vasylja Kuzmicha o sodelovanju pri MAST 2019/20. Video je bil zasnovan v okviru predmeta “Promo Video”, ki ga je vodila Jasna Hribernik, somentor pa je bil Peter Purg iz // Check also a video-reflection made by Vasyl Kuzmich, our student after having experienced the MAST project workshops of 2019/20. The video was conceived within the “Promo Video” BA course lead by Jasna Hribernik, co-mentored by Peter Purg of
Nenavadno je videti stroj, ki zaživi in nam ustvari tako neverjetno edinstven zvok. Sam ne vidim razlike med njim in živim bitjem. Različne zvoke, ki jih ustvarja, primerjam z ustvarjanjem človekovih misli – tako kot naš um ustvarja edinstvene ideje, tudi ti modularni stroji ustvarjajo svoje unikatne misli. //It is astonishing to see a machine come to life and give you an incredibly unique sound. I see no difference between it and a living being. I compare the distinct sounds it creates to thoughts of its own. Just like our minds that create unique ideas, these modular machines are creating thoughts of their own.
L’arte Dei Rumori je futuristični manifest, ki ga je Luigi Russolo napisal v pismu iz leta 1913 prijatelju in futurističnemu skladatelju Francescu Balilla Pratelli. Russolo v njem trdi, da se je človeško uho navadilo na hitrost, energijo in hrup urbane industrijske zvočne krajine; poleg tega ta nova zvočna paleta zahteva nov pristop k glasbeni instrumentaciji in kompoziciji. Predlaga številne zaključke o tem, kako bo elektronika in druga tehnologija futurističnim glasbenikom omogočila, da “nadomestijo omejeno raznolikost timbrov, ki jih ima danes orkester neskončno raznolikost timbrov v zvokih, reproduciranih z ustreznimi mehanizmi. Moja mešanica je mešanica različnih žanrov, kjer sem poskušal vzeti predvsem eksperimentalno glasbo, kjer prevladujejo zvoki, in različne zvoke, ki se razlikujejo od čistega tona, ki glasbo določa od zvokov, kjer ni čistega tona. Tako operiram manifest tega umetnika o hrupu in o tem, kako naj bi se v prihodnosti pojavili instrumenti, ki s pomočjo hrupa ustvarjajo glasbo. // L’arte Dei Rumori is a Futurist manifesto written by Luigi Russolo in a 1913 letter to friend and Futurist composer Francesco Balilla Pratella. In it, Russolo argues that the human ear has become accustomed to the speed, energy, and noise of the urban industrial soundscape; furthermore, this new sonic palette requires a new approach to musical instrumentation and composition. He proposes a number of conclusions about how electronics and other technology will allow futurist musicians to “substitute for the limited variety of timbres that the orchestra possesses today the infinite variety of timbres in noises, reproduced with appropriate mechanisms. My mix is a mixture of different genres where I tried to take mainly experimental music where noises predominate and various sounds that differ from a pure tone, which determines music from noises where there is no pure tone. Thus, I operate on this artist’s manifesto about noise and how in the future instruments were supposed to appear that make music with the help of noise.