Kristian Petrovčič, 2. letnik // 2nd year
Serija družbeno-kritičnih fotografij je nastala na območju med Novo Gorico in Mostom na Soči, kjer so hidroelektrarne ter posledično jezovi skupaj z industrijsko cono močno zaznamovali spodnji del reke Soče. // A series of socially critical photographs was taken in the area between Nova Gorica and Most na Soči, where hydroelectric power plants and the industrial zone, strongly marked the lower part of the Soča River.
Tišina in hrup // Silence and noise
Staš Zupanc, 2. letnik // 2nd year
Moja foto serija vsebuje 10 fotografij, 5 jih predstavlja naravo, 5 pa industrijo. Sneg in zima predstavljata mir in tišino, saj se čas v naravi delno upočasni, na drugi strani pa imamo hrupno industrijo, ki onesnažuje okolje ter uničuje naravo. Za fotke narave sem uporabil črno belo tehniko, saj je veliko bolj umirjena, kot pa žive barve, ki predstavljajo v mojem primeru bolj agresiven pogled na industrijo. // My photo series consists of 10 photos, 5 of them show nature and the other 5 show a factory. Snow and winter present silence and peace, because time slows down for nature during the winter time. And on the opposite side, we have a factory, which shows a noisy industry of 21. century, and it also destroys our nature. I decided to go with black and white technique for nature photos, because it gives a more peaceful vibe, and it contrasts well with the aggresive colours of the industrial photos.
Renee Stanič, 2. letnik // 2nd year
Ker sem obiskovala Biotehniško šolo, in sem po izobrazbi naravovarstvenik, sem dobro seznanjena s problemom svetlobnega onesnaževanja. Menim, da ljudje na ta tip onesnaževanja premalo mislijo oz. se jim sploh ne zdi problematično, zato sem želela skozi fotografije predstaviti problematiko. Ker bi samo fotografiranje pokrajine oz. osvetljenih površin bilo enostavno, sem si zamislila, da jih predstavim v drugačni perspektivi oz. skozi drugačno luč. Naloga je bila zahtevna saj sem najprej potrebovala prave lokacije, nato pa sem se kar nekaj časa ukvarjala s samo postavitvijo ogledala, vendar mi je uspelo in nastale so fotografije, kakršne sem si zamislila. Moje upanje je, da lahko z njimi ljudi malo bolj ozaveščam glede te problematike. // I finished the course of environmentalism, so I’m well aware of the light pollution around the world, that is why I wanted to present this problem through a series of photos. I think that people are not aware how much light pollution affects the world, or they don’t find it the problem. Since just photographing the landscape or illuminated surfaces would be easy, I thought of presenting them in a different perspective or. through a different light. The task was demanding because I first needed the right locations, and then I spent quite some time just setting up the mirror, but I succeeded and the photos I imagined were taken. My hope is that with them I can make people a little more aware of this issue.
Renee Stanič, 2. letnik // 2nd year
Za nalogo ‘tihožitje’ sem hotela predstaviti malo drugačno serijo, uporabila sem light box. Začela sem malo eksperimentirati s postavitvijo ogledala in tudi samo intenziteto luči, katere osvetljujejo light box. Moj namen je bil, da lutka predstavlja čustva, in da povežem njene kretnje oz. pozo s stvarmi, ki se jih dotika, oz ob katerimi stoji. // For the exercise ‘still life’ I wanted to do a little different series of photos, I used light-box for it. I started experimenting with the positions of the glass and the intensity of the lights in the light box. My main goal was that the manechine represents the emotions, and that I connect his poses with things that surround him, and the things that he touches.