Domen Vinko, 3. letnik // 3rd year
Serija avtoportretov. // Series of autoportraits.

Domen Vinko, 3. letnik // 3rd year
Foto serija je bila inspirirana zaradi osebnih težav z ušesom. Z uporabo tehnik triptih sem hotal prikazati moje dojemanje različnih prostorov v formi fotografij. // The photo series was inspired by my own personal struggles with hearing. With the use of triptych, I wanted to show, how I perceived different places.

Tišina / Silence
Aljaž Lavrič, 3. letnik // 3rd year
Kompozicije, ki prikazujejo prostore mojega otroštva.
Film je dokumentacija prostorov, kjer se je avtor kot otrok igral, kamor je hodil v šolo, kjer je treniral, kjer se je kopal… vendar prostori so sedaj prazni ali pa zapuščeni. Film je sestavljen iz devetih statičnih kadrov z ambientalnimi zvoki in oponaša medij fotografije. Pomankanje dialoga in subjektov v filmu doda k osamljenosti krajev. // Compositions that represent spaces of my childhood. Film is a documentation of spaces and places where the author played as a child, where he went to school, where he trained, where he swam… but the places are now empty or abandoned. The film is made from nine shots with ambiental sounds and is mimicking the medium of photography. The lack of dialogue and subjects in the film adds to the loneliness of the spaces.
Luka Carlevaris, 3. letnik // 3rd year
To je bilo prvič, da sem se resneje preizkusil v pokrajinski fotografiji. Na srečo živim v mestu, ki ga obdajajo manjši hribi od koder se do morja razteza izjemen pogled nad celo Goriško. V jesenskem mraku se ta spremeni v mistično pokrajino, ki v črno beli tehniki spominja na izjemno scenografijo iz filmskih klasikov kot sta Metropolis in Državljan Kane. // This was the first time I had taken landscape photography seriously. Fortunately, I live in a town surrounded by small hills, from where an exceptional view stretches to the sea over the entire Goriška region. In the autumn twilight, it turns into a mystical landscape, reminiscent in black and white of an exceptional scenog raphy from film classics such as Metropolis and Citizen Kane.
Serija Avtoportret prikazuje moje psihično večplastnost, s katero se vsakodnevno soočam zaradi mojih mnogih interesov. Pri tem seveda nisem sam, saj obstaja ogromno ljudi, ki iščejo svoje mesto na tem svetu. // The series shows my psychic multifacetedness that I face on a daily basis because of my many interests. Of course, I am not alone in this, as there are a huge number of people looking for their place in this world.
Trenutno nošenje mask postaja za mnoge že vsakdanja rutina. V času ko vse povsod slišimo ukrepe: »Nosite obrazno zaščito, razkužujte roke in držite varnostno razdaljo,« jaz grem ravno nasprotno in se človeku približam na zgolj nekaj centimetrov. Iz oči v oči se soočim z obrazom posameznika, kateremu bi se drugi na ulici najverjetneje želeli izogniti. Dandanes je človek, ki ne nosi maske skoraj večji kriminalec kot človek z masko. Kar je dokaj noro, če pomislimo, da samo eno leto nazaj bi vsi začudeno in sumljivo gledali človeka, ki bi v trgovino vstopil z prekritim obrazom. Ne bi bilo presenetljivo, če bi mu varnostniki ukazali, naj zapusti prostor. Zdaj pa vsi gledajo za teboj, če se že zunaj pojaviš brez maske. Zato s serijo naredim celoten krog bizarnosti, saj sem v podobi, ki bi jo leto nazaj pripisali kriminalcu, fotografiral navadne ljudi, ki bi kršili pravila, če bi si masko sneli. // Currently, wearing masks is becoming an everyday routine for many. At a time when we all hear the action everywhere: “Wear face protection, disinfect your hands and keep a safe distance,” I go the exact opposite and approach the man at only a few inches. Face to face, I face the face of an individual whom others on the street would most likely want to avoid. Nowadays, a man who does not wear a mask is almost a bigger criminal than a man with a mask. Which is pretty crazy, considering that just a year ago, everyone would have looked at the man entering the store with a covered face in amazement and suspicion. It would be unsurprising if the security guards ordered him to leave the room. But now everyone is watching you if you show up outside without a mask. So with the series, I make a whole circle of bizarreness, as in the image that would have been attributed to a criminal a year ago, I photographed ordinary people who would break the rules if they took off their mask.

Zimske noči v Lahoreju, Pakistan // Winter nights in Lahore, Pakistan
Reeba Sufyan, 3. letnik // 3rd year
Tiho sedimo in opazujemo svet okoli sebe. Toda tišina je strašno glasna, poslušajte tišino, ki ima toliko povedati. Tišina je vir velike moči. Potopiti se moramo globoko navzdol, da v tišini razumemo sporočilo. Zimski čas je tukaj v Lahoreju precej prijeten in lep. V tem mestu ni snega, vendar je temperatura za moj okus še vedno prenizka. Še posebej megla ponoči naredi ceste zelo lepe za potovanje. Poleg tega so zimske noči tukaj posebne glede hrane, na stojnicah se dobi juha, oreščki, suho sadje in meso z žara. // We sit silently and watch the world around us. But silent is freaking loud, listen to silence it has so much to say. Silence is the source of great strength. We need to dive deep down to understand the message in silence. Winter season here in Lahore is quite pleasant and beautiful. There is no snow in this city but temperature is too low and especially fog at night make roads very beautiful to roam. Moreover winter nights are special here regarding food like soup stalls, peanuts, dry fruits and bbq.