Dokumentarni esej // Documentary essay

Katja Pivk

3. lentik // Year 3 | Mentor: Tadej Žnidarčič

Poslušaj slovenski avdio-tekst in si ob tem oglej spodnjo serijo fotografij.
// Listen to the English audio text and watch a series of photos below.

Žir, veseu, mirn, lip pa dilavn krej, mist kir sa na kap umetnost, tehnalagija, šport pa zgadavina. Ime mista Žir ma vsej dvi razlag. Je tu ime izera, ka je bil tle taužnt lit nazaj, mrbit pa se tk reče zarat bukove gmajne pa pluda – žira? Starslovansk ime mista Žiri pamin žir pa negou Ledje, u nimških cajtih pa so mistu djal Sairach, kirga še zdej nucajo žeruoski mataristi. Svaj serij slik sn djala »Sn z Žerou«, kar b u knižn slavenščin pamenil »Sem iz Žirov«. Ris, de je mist na kanc Palanske daline, u Žerousk katlin, kr pa ne pamin, de zatu ne kaže saje zanimive padobe. Kat sn že amenila je tle na kap velik različnga zanimajna, spaznajn pa agramn zgadavine. Mist je glih tk vrnih pavezan z narava kar lahk apazmo glih zarad velik zelenih pavršin. Glih tk ma več kat palavica žerouceu suj vrtičk, tretina teh pa suj skalnak al pa pasebn plac za rože. Zarat zgadavinske lige ma žerousk nareči velik zanimivih besid kat sa birtah, šefla, škarpa, špargert, ajmar in še velik astalih. Žerouca bate spaznal predvsem pa narečn znamenitast – a (ablak – oblak, ablika – obleka, aranžna – oranžna, ardeča – rdeča). Več kat stalitje stara kleklarska šula ma na mist mačan upliu, sej se zmerej vč mladih zanima za kleklajne. Usak lit v mistu patekaja tut znan žerousk kleklarsk dnevi na kirih se tamlad pamirjo u kleklajnu kitke z mitrskm kleklni. Z razvojem nave tehnalagije se je ta zdej več staliti stara ročna abrt abarnila u prava industrija. Žir paznama najbel pa Alpin, tavarn čiulou. Ta j znana pa usm svit, nihove čiule pa nosja tut žerovsk pa druh tabulš športniki. Nihove pancarje zmerej vidma pa televizi. Več lit skap je bla asnovna šula Žir prva na lujtrc razvitast atruk (športn karton), za kar sma lahk hvaležn velk razvitast športnih aktivnost. Ka gavarima a žerouskm športu je tešk najt šport, ka ga u Žerih ni al pa se katir ad žerouceu z nim neb ukvarjou. Žir ležeja na stičišč garejnske, primurske pa notranske. Tak kat mist leži v stičišč, tak se tu stikajo različne arhitekturne tehnke kat staradavne znamenitost. Če mist vrnih pagledate lahk vidte use ad romantike, gotike, modernizma da industriske gradne in tut amfiteatra. Žerouci sa predvsem pazitivni, dilaun ledje, ka si skos stajeja ab stran. So u večin dabri sasidje pa meščan. Kar pr neh vn sika je pa vašk gavarejne. U Žerih teh na manka zatu se mal ahtajte, kdu vas z enm vahlem pasluša akul vagala bajte, da na konc nau s prjatlskga pagavara ratala zgodba kak ses aženu. Tu ne pamin, d mist ni varn, kej še, Žir so varn mist, tk za mlade kt stare, družine z atruci in pasameznke, ka lubja narava pa padežele. Katlina je abdana z vesakm in mal mjn vesakm griči pa vrhi, kamar se ledje usak dan spejnaja. Edn med neh je Žirk pad katern nej b živu zmaj imenvan Lintvern. Abčasn ga lahk slište, kaku se cmer, patučk, ka prteče spad Žirka, sa pa negave souze. Ab večih praznkih se z žerouske katline sliš mlade pa mlade pa src, ka pajejo žerouska himna, Oj mi sma pa tam na Žerouskm dama, v prelepi dalini na kancu sveta…. Zatu vs ab tej prložnast lep pavabm u maj rodn mist, Žir. Mist kulture, migajna pa tehnalagije.

// Žiri, a happy, peaceful, beautiful and hard-working place, a place where art, technology, sport and history meet. The name of the town of Žiri has at least two explanations as to how the name originated. Is it the name of a lake that stood here thousands of years ago, perhaps so named because of the beech forests and the fruit – the gyre? The Old Slavic name Sairach means “Žir and his People”. I named my series of photographs “Sn z Žerou”, which in literary translation in Slovene would mean “I am from Žirí”. The town is located at the end of the Poljanska valley, in the Žiri basin, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t look interesting. As I said before, there are many different interests, many different insights and a lot of history coming together. The city also has a strong connection with nature, which is particularly evident in the large expanses of green space. Similarly, more than half of people in Žiri have a garden and a third have a rock garden or a special place for flowers. Due to its historical location, the Žiri dialect has many interesting words such as “birtah”, “šefla”, “škarpa”, “špargert” and many others. The more than a century-old lace school has a strong influence on the town, as more and more young people are interested in lace-making, and every year the town hosts the famous Žiri Lace-Making Days, where young people compete in making knitted knitting with meter-long knitting needles. With the development of new technology, handicrafts that were centuries old have been transformed into a real industry. Žiri is famous for its Alpina shoe factory. They are known worldwide and their shoes are worn by the world’s top athletes. For several years in a row, Žiri Primary School has been ranked first in terms of children’s sporting development, for which we can be grateful for the high level of sports activities. When it comes to sport in Žiri, it is hard to find a sport that does not exist in Žiri, or that any of the people of Žiri do not play. Žiri is located at the crossroads of Gorenjska, Primorska and Notranjska regions. Just as the city lies at a crossroads, so do different architectural techniques and ancient sites. A closer look at the city reveals everything from Romanesque, Gothic and Modernism to industrial buildings and apartment blocks. The people of Žiri are above all positive, hard-working people who are always there for each other. They are mostly good neighbors and townspeople. What stands out, however, are the village gossips. There is no shortage of them in Žiri, so be a little wary of who is listening around the corner. That doesn’t mean the city isn’t very safe. Žiri is a safe place, suitable for young people, the elderly, families with children and individuals who love nature and the countryside. The basin is surrounded by high and low hills and peaks, which are climbed daily by the townspeople. One of them is Žirk, under which a dragon called Lintvern is said to live. On heavy rainy days, you can hear him crying, and the stream that flows from under Žirk is his tears. On major holidays, young people and the young at heart can be heard from the Žiri basin, singing the Žiri anthem, “Oh, we are at home in Žiri, in a beautiful valley at the end of the world”. So, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to my hometown, Žiri, a city of culture, sport and technology.