Dokumentarni esej // Documentary essay

Kristian Petrovčič

2. letnik // Year 2 | Mentor: Tadej Žnidarčič


Solkan je že od nekdaj prepoznaven predvsem zaradi svoje zgodovine. O tem govorijo zgodnje arheološke najdbe iz kamene/kovinske dobe ter rimskih časov, ki ga uvršajo med najstarejša naselja v Posočju. Dandanes ga veliko ljudi pozna zaradi največjega kamnitega mosta (loka) na svetu, cerkve na samem vrhu Svete Gore, vili grofov Bartolomei, pokopališču padlim borcem iz prve svetovne vojne ter stez in vojaških jarkov, ki se nahajajo v njegovi okolici. Menim, da je Solkan kot naročen za turiste, saj je na tako majhnem mestu možno videti zelo veliko zanimivega.

// Solkan has always been recognizable mainly for its history. This is evidenced by early archaeological finds from the Stone / Metal Age and Roman times, which make it one of the oldest settlements in the Posočje region. Today, many people know it because of the largest stone bridge (arch) in the world, the church at the very top of Sveta Gora, the villa of Counts Bartholomei, the cemetery of fallen World War I solders, and the trails and military trenches located in its vicinity. I think that Solkan is perfect for tourists, because in such a small place it is possible to see so many interesting things.