Aljaž Lavrič
To je moja prva bolj osebna, intimna serija. Ker sva bila zaradi razmer večinoma časa sama doma in nisem imel česa drugega za fotografirati kot naju. Do sedaj sem vedno do subjektov v mojih fotografijah držal neko distanco, in sem fotografiral le kot tihi opazovalec. Ampak s temi fotografijami sem prikazal del dogajanja, del naše zveze. Gledalcu skušam prikazati neke vsakdanje stvari, ki sva jih počela, ki so se nam dogajale. Fokusiral sem se na Kristino, nase in na najin odnos. Serijo sem ustvarjal 61 dni.
// This is my first more personal, intimate series. Because of the circumstances we were mostly at home and I had nothing else to photograph other than us. Till now I always showed distance towards my subjects. But with this photos I showed a part of the happening, a part of our relationship. I am trying to show the viewer everyday stuff we did, stuff that happened to us. I focused on Kristina, me and our relationship. The series was in the making for 61 days.
Jordanija // Jordan
Avtoportret // Self-portrait
Čas Korone // Corona Times
DUP // DAP 2 | Nosilni modul: Fotografija // Carrier module: Photography | Mentor: Ana Sluga