Fotografija 2 // Photography 2

Luka Carlevaris

Dnevnik (Č&B in Barvno)
// Diary (B&W and Color)

Ko je v Sloveniji zavladal karantena, se je vse ustavilo. Začelo se je živeti počasi. Zato sem moral svojo fotografijo prilagoditi tempu življenja. Moral sem jo upočasniti. In po dolgem premisleku sem prišel do zaključka, da moram presedlati na analogno fotografijo. S tem, ko sem na sprehode po praznih ulicah Nove Gorice hodil vedoč, da imam v fotoaparatu samo 36 posnetkov, sem se moral res ustaviti, bolj pozorno opazovati ter dvakrat premisliti ali je motiv, ki sem ga videl, vredno fotografirati. Počasna pa ni bila samo fotografija, ampak tudi motivi, ki sem jih iskal. Moj namen s serijo ni bil pokazati mesto v času karanten kot eno celoto, temveč v njem izpostaviti neke majhne trenutke ali detajle, ki se skrivajo v ozadju in jih vedno spregledamo. Ravno to je bilo glavno odkritje te serije, ker si nikoli ne bi mislil, koliko zanimivosti Nova Gorica ohranja za zaveso vsakdana. Ko smo se ljudje pred virusom poskrili v svoje domove, je nastopil čas za tovrstne motive, da jih kot fotograf najdem in povlečem s fotografijami v ospredje.

// When quarantine prevailed in Slovenia, everything stopped. He began to live slowly. So I had to adjust my photo to the pace of life. I had to slow her down. And after much deliberation, I came to the conclusion that I needed to switch to analog photography. As I went for walks through the empty streets of Nova Gorica knowing that I only had 36 shots in my camera, I really had to stop, observe more closely, and think twice about whether the subject I saw was worth photographing. Slow, however, was not only the photography, but also the motifs I was looking for. My purpose with the series was not to show the city during quarantine as a whole, but to highlight some small moments or details that are hidden in the background and are always overlooked. This was the main discovery of this series, because you would never have thought how many attractions Nova Gorica keeps behind the curtain of everyday life. As people hid in their homes from the virus, it was time for such motives to find them as a photographer and bring them to the forefront with photographs.


Ogledalo // Mirror

Avtoportret // Self-Portrait

DUP // DAP 2 | Nosilni modul: Fotografija // Carrier module: Photography | Mentor: Ana Sluga

Fotografski esej // Photographic Essay

DUP // DAP 2 | Nosilni modul: Fotografija // Carrier module: Photography | Mentor: Arne Hodalič