Študentje drugega letnika izstopajo po vztrajnosti in želji po presežku povprečja. Uspeli so precej globoko pogledati v samo bistvo fotografskega medija, razvili so kompleksne serije, ki jih zaznamujejo tehnična dovršenost in privlačna estetska vsebina. Prevladuje intenca k umetniški fotografiji, ustvarjanju fiktivne ali doživete vizualne fabule ter želja po odkrivanju še ne videnega. Sam učni proces je bil naravnan k spodbujanju čim bolj samostojnega in avtorskega dela.
// Students of the second year stand out after their persistence and desire to go above average. They have made a very deep look at the very essence of the photographic medium, they have developed complex series that are marked by technical perfection and attractive aesthetic content. They had a strong need to do artistic photography and search for new ways of visual expression. The learning process itself was aimed at promoting the most independent and authoritative work.
DUP // DAP 2 | Nosilni modul: Fotografija // Carrier Modul: Photography | Mentorja //Mentors: Ana Sluga, Arne Hodalič