Filmi v nastajanju // Films in progress

MUP // MAP 1

Safe Place | Boris T. Matić

The family tries to save Damir from himself. The film takes place within 24 hours.

Študentje se v prvem letniku nosilnega modula Film poglobljeno seznanjajo s pripovednimi tehnikami in strukturiranjem filmskih zgodb pri celovečernih igranih in (po želji) dokumentarnih filmih s pomočjo analiz raznovrstnih filmov, žanrov in avtorskih poetik. Obenem razvijajo svoj lasten scenarij za diplomski film od začetne ideje do končne verzije. Ker gre pri študentu Borisu T. Matiću za celovečerni projekt, katerega scenarij bi bil za razstavo preobsežen, smo se odločili, da na razstavi predstavi logline, sinopsis in moodboard.

// In the first year of the Film Carrier Module, students are introduced to in-depth narrative techniques and to structuring of movie stories in feature films and (optional) in documentaries. These shall be achieved through analyzes of various movies, film genres and authorial poetics. At the same time the students have been developing their own scripts for the graduation films – starting from the initial idea and concluding with the final version of the script. Boris T. Matić has as a producer been developing a full-length project, which surpasses the framework ofthis exhibition. Therefore we decided to present at the exhibition only the logline, synopsis and the moodboard.

MAP // MAP 1 | Nosilni modul: Film // Carrier module: Film | Mentor: izr. prof. mag. Janez Burger