
Predsednik // The President
Vasily Kuzmich
Prva stvar, na katero pomislimo, ko se spomnimo na predsednika, je novoletno voščilo, to je najsvetlejša zveza in tradicija v moji državi. Novoletni pozdrav. Če pogledate natančno, lahko vidite, kako predsednik vsako leto v bistvu reče isto. Vsak novi predsednik obljublja, da se bo nekaj spremenilo, a v bistvu se nič ne spremeni! Korupcija raste in življenjski standard se le še poslabšuje.
// The first thing we think about when we recall the president is a New Year’s greetings, this is the brightest association and tradition in my country. New Year’s greetings. If you look closely, you can see how every year the president essentially says the same thing. Each new president promises that something will change, but essentially nothing changes! Corruption is growing and living
standards are only getting worse.

Antireklame // Anticommercials
Rok Urbanček
Kaj če bi mediji namesto oglasov, ki prejemnikom vsebin velikokrat škodujejo, posredovali informacije, ki bi preprosto koristile? Antireklame je uresničena osebna ideja, delo, katerega sem še posebej vesel: v okviru zgornje delavnice se nismo toliko osredotočali na formo umetnosti, temveč v zanimivih pogovorih odkrivali vrednote nas samih ter kultur okoli nas – in vesel sem zato, ker sem skozi te vrednote končno spet poskusil spremeniti svet.
// What if instead of commercials, that often hurts the recipients, the media would pass the information that would be simply beneficial? Anticommercials is a realised personal idea, work that I’m especially happy about: in this workshop we didn’t so much focus on the form of art, but through interesting dialogs discovered the values of ourselves and cultures around us – and I’m happy because trough this values I have finally again tried to change the world.
“TV Free Europe raziskuje možnosti svobode (zlasti svobode govora) in sprememb. TV Free Europe želi preseči družbene mehurčke in povezati glasove, lokacije, čase in zgodbe, zgodovinske teme z današnjimi in jutrišnjimi dejstvi in fikcijami. Projekt ponuja veselo izkušnjo združevanja televizije z nizom praktičnih raziskovalnih akcij (med katerimi jih je veliko na ulicah), javnih video snemanj, ki vključujejo ljudi z in brez izkušenj iz sistema Spremembe sistema, in gledališke poznonočne oddaje. Zbrano gradivo bo objavljeno na video kanalu, domači strani in tiskanih zinih.”
Tako se je izvorno glasil koncept delavnice, pod pokroviteljstvom umetniškega kolektiva Pneuma iz Budimpešte v sodelovanju s partnerji iz Avstrije, Danske, Nemčije in Slovenije. Zaradi karantene je prvi del delavnice potekal preko e-učilnice inje tako imela skupina omejene možnosti praktičnega dela. Iz načrtovane praktične TV izkušnje je skupina poglobljeno in vztrajno raziskovala teorijo in zgodovino alternativnih televizijskih programov s poudarkom na osemdesetih letih in ob padcu Berlinskega zidu leta 1989 in snovala scenarije za inventivne kritične duhovite prispevke k programu načrtovanega video kanala. Med potekom delavnice je prišlo je do nepričakovanega fenomena: skoraj pozabljena ideja alternativnih umetniških aktivističnih in neodvisnih televizijskih produkcij nasproti okostenelim nacionalnim in dobičkonosnim komercialnim televizijam je dobila nova krila.
Umetniški projekt TV Free Europe in v okviru le-tega tudi naša delavnica prerašča v novo mednarodno “svobodno” medijsko platformo, za katero kaže, da se ne bo končal kot samo znotraj sebe zaključeno delo.
Več o projektu: https://tv-free-europe.eu
// TV Free Europe explores the possibilities of freedom (especially freedom of speech) and change. TV Free Europe aims to transgress social bubbles and connect voices, locations, times and stories, historical topics with today’s and tomorrow’s facts and fictions. The project provides a joyful experience of “making TV” together through a series of practical research actions (many ofwhich on the streets), public video shootings involving people with and without lived experience of the System Change and theatrical late night shows. The collected material will be published on a video channel, a homepage and printed zines.”
This was the original concept of the workshop, under the auspices of the Pneuma art collective from Budapest in cooperation with partners from Austria, Denmark, Germany and Slovenia. Due to quarantine, the first part of the workshop took place through an e-classroom, so the group had limited opportunities for practical work. From the planned practical TV experience, the group researched the theory and history of alternative television programs intensivelyand persistently, focusing on the 1980s and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and designed scenarios for inventive critical witty contributions to the planned video channel. During the workshop, an unexpected phenomenon occurred: the almost forgotten idea of alternative artistic activist and independent television productions as opposed to ossified national and profitable commercial televisions gained new wings.
The TV Free Europe art project, and our workshop within it is growing into a new international “freemedia platform”, and it seems that it will not end as a work completed within itself.
More about project: https://tv-free-europe.eu
DUP, MUP // DAP, MAP | Projekt in delavnica // Project and workshop | Vodja projekta // Project Lead: Peter Purg | Mentorici //Mentors: Sarah Günther, Jasna Hribernik | Avtorica teksta // Text written by: Jasna Hribernik