
Stari pust // The ancient carnival
Pietro Cromaz
Stare pustne tradicije v Nadiških dolinah so še vedno prisotne in žive, še posebej tista v
Montefosci. Maske se imenujejo “Blumarji”. Namen tega promocijskega videa je
predstaviti aktivnost, ki jo organizira proloco, in povečati vrednost tradicije pust, ki zdaj
počasi začenja izginjati.
// Ancient carnival traditions in Natisone Valley are still present and alive, especially the one of Montefosca. The masks are called “Blumarji”. The aim of this promotional video is to present the activity organized by the proloco and to enhance traditional values of carnival, which are now slowly starting to disappear.

Spremenjen svet // The altered world
Maja Grčki
Mešana resničnost se zdi kot daljna znanstvenofantastična prihodnost, vendar se dejansko dogaja prav zdaj, čez nekaj let pa bo to naša vsakdanja resničnost. Ta močna tehnologija se je v zadnjih letih vse bolj razvijala in po videzu bo tako še naprej. Na prvi pogled bi večina od nas dejala, da se bo v igrah večinoma uporabljala mešana tehnologija, vendar je velik potencial tudi na drugih področjih, kot so študij, medicina, trženje in številni drugi. Mešana resničnost nam lahko olajša in varneje, hkrati pa nudi neverjetno in interaktivno izkušnjo.
// Mixed reality seems like a far-away science fiction future, but it is actually happening right now and in few years this will be our everyday reality. This powerful technology has been more and more developed in the recent years and by the looks of it, it will continue to be so. At first glance most of us would say mixed technology will mostly be used in gaming, however it’s great potential lies in other areas too, such as studying, medicine, marketing, and many more. Mixed reality can make things easier and safer for us while also giving amazing and interactive experience.

Univerza v Novi Gorici // University of Nova Gorica
Katja Pivk
Univerza je skupnost ljudi, študentov in zaposlenih, ki se izobražujejo na različnih področjih. Univerza v Novi Gorici omogoča kvaliteten študij z napredno tehnologijo in izkušnjami predavateljev. Mislimo zunaj meja, ker se naša iznajdljivost ne konča.
// University is a community of people, students and employees who are educated in various fields. The University of Nova Gorica provides quality studies with advanced technology and lecturer experience. We think beyond boundaries because our ingenuity doesn’t end there.

Izobražujte se, biti pameten je super! // Educate, Smart is great!
Reeba Sufyan
Pomen izobraževalnega programa ozaveščanja. (Brez dialogov)
Par je pri zdravniku. Žena je bolna. Zdravnik jim je dal zdravila, vključno s tabletami in sirupom. Ponoči mož zbudi ženo in ji odmeri zdravilo. Prebere navodila in za 5 sekund začne tresti ženo. Da ji žlico sirupa in stekleničko postavi nazaj na mizo. Kamera se približa napisu na stekleničko sirupa kjer preberemo navodilo: pred uporabo dobro pretresite. Zaslon se zatemni in se pojavi napis : Izobražujte se, biti pameten je super!
// Importance of Education – an awareness program. (Without Dialogues)
Couple is at doctor. Wife is sick. Doctor gave them medicine including tablets and syrup, at night medicine dose time, husband wakes her up from her bed. After that he took the syrup read it and put it back and start shaking her wife for 5 seconds. Took syrup again and gave her spoon of syrup and put syrup back on table, camera take a close shot of syrup and on syrup a line was written, shake well before use. Screen fades. We see the slogan: Educate, Smart is great!

Make it true!
Parisa Zaeri
Glavni cilj tega promofilma je ozavestiti ljudi o njihovih reakcijah in interakcijah, ko preživijo čas skupaj. Pokaže kako so majhne pozornosti kot nasmeh smiselne, če se zgodijo v pravem trenutku..
// The main goal of this promofilm is to make people aware of their reactions and interactions when they are spending time together. It shows how small attentions like a smile make sense if it happens in the right moment.

Katarina Brglez
Hana je kratki študentski film režiserke Katje Pivk, mentorjev Boštjana Perovška, Radovana Čoka, Matjaža Jankoviča in Martina Turka ustvarjen na delavnici Mostovna 2018/2019. Hana je komedija in se v pormo filmu sprašuje o čem bo kratki film govoril.
// Hana is a short student film directed by Katja Pivk, mentors Boštjana Perovška, Radovana Čoka, Matjaža Jankoviča in Martina Turka created at Mostovna workshop 2018/2019. Hana is a comedy and the promo film wonders what the short movie is going to be about.

Ece Horasanlı
OSTANI DOMA je film, ki bo poudaril pomen bivanja doma med pandemijo.
Zabavna predstavitev osebe, ki je končala vsakodnevno delo in pripravlja se za izhod iz hiše. Želi iti ven, pred vrati se ustavi, ko zunaj zasliši kašelj. Na vratih vidimo napis HOME. namesto Pred napisom HOME se izpiše STAY. Beremo STAY HOME (OSTANI DOMA)
// STAY HOME is a movie that will emphasize the importance of staying home during the pandemic. Fun introduction of a person who has finished her daily work and she is preparing to leave the house. She wants to go out, she is about to open the door, then with a caught sound she waits a bit and then she immediately turns back. We see HOME written at the door. And then STAY is displayed before the world HOME. We read: “STAY HOME”.

Luka Carlevaris
Kratki promo film, ki skozi zabavne primere predstavi preživljanje vsakdana v času epidemije koronavirusa. Podobno kot oglaševanje na televiziji na humoren način spodbuja gledalce k preživljanju časa doma v kritični situaciji ter jim predstavi karanteno v pozitivni luči. Njegov glavni namen je ljudi ozavestiti, da se kvaliteta življenja skriva v malenkostih, ki jim do zdaj nismo posvečali tolikšne pozornosti (hrana, družina).
// A short promo film that presents the survival of everyday life during the coronavirus epidemic through entertaining examples. Similar to television advertising, it humorously encourages viewers to spend time at home in a critical situation and presents them with quarantine in a positive light. Its main purpose is to make people aware that the quality of life lies in the little things to which we have not paid so much attention so far (food, family).

Aljaž Lavrič, Domen Vinko, Ana Prebil, Miha Reja
Kolektiv štirih mladih kreatorjev so zaradi trenutnih okoliščin prisiljeni k nenavadnim ukrepom, da ohranijo svojo kariero. V filmu jim sledimo iz dneva v dan, kjer spoznamo njihove rutine in navade, ki pa niso najbolj običajne.
// A team of four young creators are forced to take unusual action to sustain their long running career. In film we follow their routine and habits, which isn’t something we see every day.
Promo film je teoretični in praktični študijski program, ki študente seznani z uporabo oglaševalskih načel. Oglaševanje je zagotovo najbolj prevladujoč element naše kulture. Metode oglaševanja, ki se uporabljajo za trženje tradicionalnih izdelkov z blagovno znamko, v našem programu uporabimo za promocijo UMETNOSTI, ZNANOSTI, KULTURNIH IN SOCIALNIH VSEBIN in posebej za promocijo HUMANITARNIH PROJEKTOV. Študentje se naučijo veščin, ki zajemajo elemente verbalne in vizualne semiotične tehnike, raziskujejo kulturno zasnovane želje, demografske razdelitve itd. Poudarjena je etika v oglaševanju zato bi program lahko označili tudi kot “oglaševalsko kritiko”, “kritično študijo oglaševanja in učenje “tržne in promocijske kulture. Teoretične podlage so široke in vključujejo marksizem, feminizem, semiotiko, politično ekonomijo, okoljevarstvo in druge pristope, ki izhajajo iz kritične teorije in kulturnih študij. Spoznavajo SOCIALNI MARKETING.
Zaradi pandemije Covid 19 in karantene so v letošnjem letu nastala praktična dela študentov v veliki meri posvečena tej temi.
// Promo film is a theoretical and practical study program that teaches students the use of advertising principles. Advertising is certainly the most prevalent element of our culture. The advertising methods used to market traditional branded products are used in our program to promote ART, SCIENCE, CULTURAL AND SOCIAL CONTENT and especially to promote HUMANITARIAN PROJECTS. Students learn skills that encompass elements of verbal and visual semiotic technique, explore culturally based desires, demographic divisions, and so on. Ethics in advertising is emphasized, so the program could also be described as “advertising critique”, “critical study of advertising and learning” of market and promotional culture, arising from critical theory and cultural studies. They learn about SOCIAL MARKETING.
The Covid 19 pandemic and quarantine have resulted in students practical work this year largely devoted to this topic.
DUP // DAP 2 & 3 | Nosilni modul: Promo Film // Carrier Module: Promo Film | Mentor: Jasna Hribernik