MAST – magistrski modul umetnosti, znanosti in tehnologije // Master Module in Art, Science and Technology
Zé Povinho: Ribiči // Zé Povinho: The Fishermen
Nabil Almanssour & Telmo Gonçalves
Študenti MAST so združili moči da bi ustvarili revijo, ki raziskuje tematiko in tudi prikazuje solidarnost z ljudmi na otoku Madeira. Na straneh 10 do 14 smo poskušali osvetliti zasenčeno skupino ljudi, ribiče otoka, v znak solidarnosti pa smo predlagali kip ribiča postavljenega pred kipom Winstona Churchilla, v upanju, da bo pritegnil pozornost ribičev in tudi njih postavil v središče pozornosti, ter jim izkazal spoštovanje. Ta projekt 3d modeliranja v javnem prostoru naj bi dal glas nekaterim neznanim ljudem, ki že dlje časa živijo na otoku in spremenil način, kako turisti gledajo na kraj.
// The MAST students joined forces to create a magazine researching on the topic and also showing solidarity with the people of Madeira island. On the pages 10 – 14 we tried to cast some light on an overshadowed group of people, the fishermen of the island, in the act of solidarity we proposed a statue of a fisherman in front of Winston Churchill popular statue, in hope of drawing attention of the fishermen and to the fishermen, and to pay them respect. This project of 3d modelling in public space would give voice to some anonymous people who have been living on the island for a long time and would change how tourists view the place.
Zé Povinho: Unanimous, on Solidarity // Zé Povinho: Soglasno, o Solidarnosti
Abiral Khadka / Vasyl Kuzmich

Študenti MAST so združili moči in ustvarili revijo, ki raziskuje to temo in je tudi pokazala solidarnost z ljudmi otoka Madeira. Na straneh na strani 26 je verz, skozi katerega smo pokazali, kako glasba in poezija izkazujeta solidarnost med ljudmi. Z ljudmi okoli in udeleženci delavnice smo se pogovarjali o tem, kako so v življenju izvajali solidarnost. Iz prejetega materiala smo od vsake osebe vzeli po eno vrstico. Na teh besedilih je bila glasba preplavljena, v izvedbi te pesmi pa se je pokazala tudi solidarnost. Vsaka oseba v sobi je med igranjem glasbe prebrala eno vrstico pesmi. Šlo je za skupni nastop, v katerem so sodelovali vsi.
// The MAST students joined forces to create a magazine researching on the topic and also showing solidarity with the people of Madeira island. On the pages on page 26 is a verse through which we showed how music and poetry show solidarity among people. We interviewed the people around and the workshop participants about how they practised solidarity in their lives. From the received material we took one line from each person. The music was superimposed on these lyrics and further solidarity was shown in the performance of this song. Each person in the room read the one-line form the poem while the music was playing. It was a collective performance where everyone took part.
At the end of the Madiera workshop the participating students gathered the Ze Povinho_ A Magazin on Solidarity, a publication on 32 pages all of the final works of students at this MAST Intensive Learning Event. The group has agreed that the different concepts, theoretical texts, potential public space interventions incl. a musical composition are represented in one paper publication — to be printed in 100 copies and distributed at different MAST occasions.
MAST – magistrski modul umetnosti, znanosti in tehnologije
Ta vidni mednarodni projekt skozi kombinacijo naprednih metodologij razvija podiplomski študijski modul na presečiščih UMETNOSTI, ZNANOSTI IN TEHNOLOGIJE, pri tem pa povezuje akademsko sfero ter kulturne in kreativne industrije. Študentje so skozi vrsto intenzivnih delavnic ter e-izobraževanja soočeni z izzivom, kako v okviru vrednot Socialne Evrope interdisiplinarno reševati “Prihodnost dela” in izzive “Solidarnosti”. Pričujoči projekti prikazujejo rezultat zadnje delavnice na Portugalskem v februarju, in njenih odmevov… Več na
// Master Module in Art, Science and Technology
This highly visible international project is developing a post-graduate study module at the intersections of ART, SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY through a combination of advanced methodologies intertwines the academic sphere closely with the industry realms of the Culture and Creative Sectors. Along a range of intensive workshops and e-learning events students are facing challenges of how to save the “Future of Work” and achieve better “Solidarity” in interdisciplinary ways, and within the values of Social Europe. The present projects are results of the last workshop in Portugal (February) and its echoes…
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MUP // MAP | Projekt // MAST Project | Mentorji // Mentors: Peter Purg, Chris Csíkszentmihályi, Franziska Hederer, Sergi Bermúdez, Nayari Castillo-Rutz, Simon Gmajner