
Avtor // Author: Vasily Kuzmich, 3. letnik // Year 3
Mentor: Peter Purg
Dih vetra je avdio-meditativna instalacija, ki temelji na burji, glasbi in tehnikah meditacije, predvsem na dihanju.
Instalacija temelji na prepletanju skupnih izvorov znanosti, duhovnosti in filozofije; vsebuje glasbo, pretvorjeno iz podatkov o vetru. Z upoštevanjem glasbene terapije imajo frekvence pozitiven učinek, s pomočjo meditativne dihalne tehnike pa lahko človek z dihanjem izboljša svoje psihofizično stanje.
Burja vstopi iz realnega geografskega prostora med vdihom, napolni notranjo geografijo človeka, ga spremeni, prečisti pljuča in napolni z melodijo zraka in narave. Tu prihaja svetovna ljubezen do nas, ki digitalno spreminja prostor v sobi. Ko izdihnemo, napolnimo svet s svojo ljubeznijo. Ljubi ta svet in ljubil te bo. Občuti vibracije zvoka planeta, postani eno s svetom in naravo, raztopi se v dihu vetra …
// Breath of the Wind is an audio meditative installation based on the Bora wind, music, meditation techniques such as breathing.
Sharing common roots in science, spirituality and philosophy, the installation contains music converted from wind data. With the help of music therapy, frequencies have a positive effect, and through a meditative breathing technique, a person will breathe, improving their condition.
The Bora wind enters from the real geographic space while inhaling, filling the inner geography of a person, changing it, purifying the lungs and filling it with the melody of air and nature. This is where the world’s love for us comes in, digitally modifying the space inside the room. As we exhale, we fill the world with our love. Love this world and it will love you in turn. Feeling the vibrations of the sound of the planet, become one with the world and nature, dissolve in the breath of the wind …

OhMyGods – instalacija // installation
2. letnik // Year 2
Avtorji del // Authors: Maksimilian Zabukovec, Tijana Mijušković, Yevheniya Lyubchyk, Jelena Cambj, Wadha Amoor.
Mentor: Peter Purg
OhMyGods je simulator za zmenke v nastajanju. V igri lahko na zmenek povabiš enega od številnih bogov iz različnih mitologij, s ciljem, da jih prepričaš, da te naredijo nesmrtnega. Na semestrski razstavi (februarja 2021) je bila predstavljena osnovna ideja, nato pa se je ekipa lotila resnejšega razvoja igre. Posvetili smo se dvema zgodbama karakterjev iz prejšnje različice, večji poudarek pa smo dali psihološkim aspektom razmerij. Ekipa namerava igro še naprej razvijati v tej smeri, prav tako želimo postopno dodati več funkcij in novih bogov za zmenke. // OhMyGods is a dating simulator in progress. In the game, you can court a variety of deities from different mythologies, and your goal is to convince them to make you immortal. Since the last semestre show (in February 2021), where the initial demo was presented, more serious development of the game had started. The storylines for two of the deities featured in the last version were rewritten in more detail, with attention given to psychology of relationships. The team aims to continue developing the game in this direction, and eventually adding more features, as well as more deities to go on dates with.
ODMEV – zvočna instalacija // ECHO – sound installation
Avtor // Author: Vasily Kuzmich, 3. letnik // Year 3
Echo je bila odvzeta sposobnost običajnega govora. Ko je vrhovna boginja Hera poskušala ujeti svojega soproga Zevsa pri varanju, je Echo s svojim govorom odvrnila Hero in s tem pomagala nimfam, da bi se izognile kazni. V enem trenutku se je Hera tega naveličala in je odvzela Echo možnost pogovarjanja z drugimi, tako da ji je pustila le možnost ponavljanja besed drugih ljudi.
Odmev – reflektiran zvok. Odmeve opazimo, če iz vira zaslišimo tudi neposreden zvok, ko na enem mestu v prostoru večkrat slišimo zvok iz enega vira, ki prihaja po neposredni poti in se odbije (morda večkrat) od okoliških predmetov. Ker zvočni val med odbojem izgubi energijo, se lahko zvok iz močnejšega vira zvoka večkrat odbije od površin (na primer hiš ali zidov, ki so obrnjeni drug proti drugemu) in prehaja skozi eno točko, kar bo povzročilo več odmevov (tak odmev opazimo pri grmenju). Kot v starodavnih mitih, v slovenskih jamah in predorih Nove Gorice, se odmevanje sliši povsod. Je sestavni del narave, ki govori o kraju in njegovem vzdušju, prostoru in tudi tišini. Odmev izniči posamezne zvoke, kar pripomore k novi opredelitvi in jasnosti tega zvoka. S pomočjo 8-kanalnega zvočnega sistema bo mogoče odmev poustvariti in ljudem pomagati, da se v urbanem okolju potopijo v naravo.

// Echo was deprived of the ability to speak normally. When the supreme goddess Hera tried to catch her consort, Zeus, during treason, Echo intervened. With her speech, she distracted Hera, thereby helping the nymphs’ friends to avoid punishment. At some point, Hera got tired of this and she deprived Echo of theopportunity to conduct a conversation, leaving only the ability to repeat other people’s words.
Echo – reflectedsound. Echoes are noticed if also a direct sound is heard from a source when at one point in space one can hear a sound from one source several times, coming along a direct path and reflected (possibly several times) from surrounding objects. Since a sound wave loses energy during reflection, a sound wave from a stronger sound source can be reflected from surfaces (for example, houses or walls facing each other) many times, passing through one point, which will cause multiple echoes (such an echo can be observed from thunder).
As in ancient myths, the caves of Slovenia, and the tunnels of Nova Goriсa, Echo is heard everywhere. It is an integral part of nature, speaking of a place and its atmosphere, volume, and also silence. Echo cancels out individual sounds, which helps to redefine that sound and make it clear. With the help of an 8-channel audio system, it will be possible to recreate this echo and help people immerse themselves in nature in an urban environment.