Obsolete Properties
Asja Trost
Magistrsko delo Asje Trost
Izražanje ni več omejeno na tradicionalne oblike izražanja, kot so risba, slika in kiparstvo, film in video umetnost ampak vključuje nove medije iz vsakdanjega življenja, ki uporabljajo nove tehnologije, da bi raziskali in razumeli naš današnji čas. Sodobni umetniki znajo izzivati obstoječe tradicionalne družbene sisteme in meje z delom z različnimi materiali, metodami, koncepti in temami. Disciplino so potisnili iz varnih meja studia in akademskega okolja v skupnosti, na ulice in v naravo. Preizprašujejo tudi pomen umetnosti same in njenega vrednotenja v sodobni neoliberalni kapitalistični družbi. Prav s to temo in v maniri konceptualne umetnosti se srečamo pri praktičnem delu magistrske naloge Asje Trost.
Program nosilnega modula Sodobne umetniške prakse znotraj magistrskega programa Medijske umetnosti in prakse ponuja diskurzivno okolje, kjer teče razprava o sodobnih vprašanjih za razmišljanje, ustvarjanje in prikazovanje sodobne (likovne) umetnosti.
MA Practical Project
// Expression is no longer limited to traditional forms of expression such as drawing, painting and sculpture, film and video art but incorporates new media from everyday life utilizing new technologies to explore and understand our time today. Contemporary artists know how to challenge existing traditional social systems and boundaries by working with different materials, methods, concepts and themes. Discipline was pushed from the safe boundaries of the studio and the academic environment in the community, to the streets and into nature. They also question the importance of art itself and its valuation in contemporary neo-liberal capitalist society. It is with this theme and in the manner of conceptual art that we encounter in the practical part of Asja Trost’s master’s thesis.
The Contemporary Art Practices Carrier Module program within the Media Arts and practices MA programme offers a discursive environment where contemporary issues for thinking, creating and presenting contemporary (fine) art take place.
MUP: Magistrsko delo – projekt // MAP: Master’s thesis; practical work Modul | Modul: Sodobne umetniške prakse //Carrier Module: Contemporary Art Practices | Mentor: Jasna Hribernik | *Avtorica teksta: // Text written by: Jasna Hribernik