Magistrski animirani filmi // MA animated films

Mentorja // Mentors: Kolja Saksida, Timon Leder

Na pričujoči razstavi sta predstavljena dva magistrska filma v predprodukciji. En v zvrsti lutkovna stop animacija, drug v zvrsti 2D računalniška animacija. Študentje v prvem letniku magistrskega programa so v sklopu modula Animacija pripravili dokumentacijo za svoje avtorske animirane filme. Le ta vsebuje vse ključne elemente, ki so potrebni za uspešno produkcijo animiranega filma. V vsaki dokumentaciji so tehnični podatki o filmu, režijska vizija, sinopsis, scenarij, likovna zasnova, zgodboris, terminski plan in reference. Študentje so končali predprodukcijo animiranih filmov in so pripravljeni na realizacijo.

// At the present exhibition two master films in pre-production are exhibited. One in puppet stop animation technique, the other one in the 2D computer animation technique. First year MA Animation students prepared their documentation for their original animated films. This documentation include all key elements needed for the successful production of animated film – technical information of the film, director’s vision, synopsis, script, concept art, storyboard, timeline, and references. Students finished their preproduction of their animated films and they are ready to enter the stage of production of their animated films.

making of
making of
making of
making of
making of
making of
making of

ONKRAJ OBRAZA – priprava magistrskega filma // BEYOND THE FACE – MA film in progress
Anja Resman
Mentor: Kolja Saksida

V okolju, kjer odrasli nimajo lastnih obrazov in namesto tega nosijo maske, naiven otrok svoje otroštvo preživlja s sanjarjenjem o letalih. Med igro nevede naleti na šolski katalog, v katerem opazi novo šolsko torbo z motivom letala. Očeta prepriča, da jo gresta kupit v bližnjo knjigarno. Uresničitev želje privede do soočenja z neprijetnim prestopom v novi svet prvega šolskega dne. Nalu se mora odpovedati svojemu otroštvu ter s tem posledično izgubi svoj obraz. // In a world where adults have no faces and wear masks instead, a naive child spends his childhood dreaming about airplanes. During the play, he unknowingly stumbles upon a school catalogue in which he notices a new school bag with an airplane design. He convinces his father to go and buy it at the nearby bookstore. The realization of his wish consequently leads to the confrontation with an unpleasant transition into a new world on the first day of school. Nalu has to leave his childhood and lose his face.

LUCIDNE SANJE – priprava magistrskega filma // LUCID DREAMING – MA film in progress
Johana Mlíchová
Mentor: Timon Leder

Izkušnje resničnih lucidnih sanjačev o njihovih fantastičnih, izkrivljenih, barvitih in drugih sanjskih potovanjih so lahko navdih za gledalce, da tudi oni v sanjah poskusijo postati lucidni. Poetičen film o izkušnjah ljudi z lucidnimi sanjami, brez razlag in obsojanj. Film navdihnjen z intervjuji ljudi z vsega sveta o njihovih najbolj norih lucidnih sanjah, kako jih dojemajo in kako so lucidne sanje spremenile njihov pogled na resničnost. Glasovi iz intervjujev ponazarjajo fantastične podobe, razen zadnjega dela filma, kjer je upodobljen način izvedbe intervjujev – sogovorniki nam na animiranem zaslonu prenosnega računalnika govorijo o filozofskem videnju svojih sanj. // Experiences of real lucid dreamers and their fantastical, distorted, colorful and gravity defying dream world as an inspiration for viewers to try becoming lucid in a dream too. A poetic film about people’s experiences with lucid dreaming without questioning or explaining them. Inspired by interviewes of people from around the world about their craziest lucid dreams, how they perceive them, and how the lucid dreams changed their view of reality, told by metaphors in a non-linear story. The voiceovers from interviews are illustrated by fantastical images, apart from the final part of the film, where the way the interviews were held is portrayed – the interviewees tell us their more philosophical perspectives from the animated laptop screen.