
Koreografija besedila in podobe, 2021, video, 24 min. // Choreography of text and image; 2021, video, 24 min.
Avtorica // Author: Ivana Kalc
Medijske umetnosti in prakse – modul Sodobne umetniške prakse // Media art practises – Contemporary art practises module
Mentorja // Mentors: Rene Rusjan, Peter Purg

»Lazarus« je koreografija besednih in vizualnih elementov, ki temelji na realnem času umetniškega ustvarjanja in domišljije. Navdih za to delo izhaja iz virtualizacije sodobnega človeka in govori o pospešeni digitalizaciji vseh področij življenja v sodobnem svetu. Pripoved 24-minutnega videoposnetka sledi toku misli, idej in dogodkov, ki se prekrivajo z namišljenim in resničnim. Gledalec je soočen z digitalnim zaslonom, ki ima pomemben status človekovega najboljšega prijatelja v svetu, kjer je resničnost tako prepletena z virtualnim univerzumom, da se meje med njima izgubljajo in rušijo, mi, ljudje, pa postanemo breztelesni in za vedno ujeti v neizmerno vesolje digitalnega sveta.

NAPOTKI PRED OGLEDOM VIDEA: »Prosimo vas, da se za najboljšo izkušnjo ustrezno pripravite: svoj prenosnik /računalnik postavite v temno sobo poleg okna, priklopite slušalke, udobno se namestite … morda s kozarcem vina? Prepričajte se, da ste sami in sproščeni. Kliknite na prejeto povezavo, vnesite geslo in se potopite v zgodbo o Lazarju.«

“Lazarus” is a choreography of written and visual elements based on real-time process of artistic creation and imagination. The inspiration for this work comes from virtualization of modern man, and speaks of the overwhelming digitalization of life in general in the modern world. The narration of the 24-minute-long video follows a stream of thoughts, ideas and events that overlap with the imaginary and the real. The viewer is faced with digital display, which tends to get the high status of man’s best friend in a world where reality is so intertwined with virtual universe that borders between them are lost and shattered, and we humans become bodiless and forever trapped in the vast universe of digital world. 

INSTRUCTIONS FOR WATCHING THE VIDEO: “Please prepare accordingly for the best experience: place your laptop/computer in a dark room by the window, plug in headphones, sit comfortably … maybe have a glass of wine? Make sure you are alone and relaxed. Click on the received link, enter the password and immerse yourself in the story of Lazarus.

password: ENTER