Mentor: Miha Godec
Udeleženci // Participants: Aljaž Lavrič, Tijana Mijušković, Ana Prebil, Domen Vinko, Luka Carlevaris
Razstavljene fotografije so rezultat online delavnice, ki se je zgodila v času Covid krize. Študentje so dobili ves material po pošti in prek spleta so sledili navodilom ter izdelali DIY (naredi sam) analogne kamere luknjičarke iz škatlice za vžigalice. Kamera luknjičarka je preprosta kamera brez objektiva, ki ima namesto leče samo majhno odprtino in je dejansko črna škatla z majhno luknjo na eni strani. Svetloba prehaja skozi odprtino in projicira obrnjeno sliko na nasprotni strani škatle. Pojav je znan kot efekt »camera obscura«. V škatlico vstavimo 35 mm analogni film, ki ga osvetlimo in razvijemo. // The exhibited photos are the result of online workshops that took place during the Covid crisis. Students received all the necessary material in the mail and followed the online instructions to create DIY (do-it-yourself) analog pinhole camera from a matchbox. Pinhole camera is a simple camera that has no lens, only a small opening and an actual black box with a small hole on one side. Light passes through the opening and projects an inverted image on the opposite side of the box. The phenomenon is known as the camera obscura effect. We insert a 35 mm analog film into the box, which we illuminate and develop.