Študentje drugega in tretjega letnika izstopajo po vztrajnosti in želji po presežku povprečja. Uspeli so precej globoko pogledati v samo bistvo fotografskega medija, razvili so kompleksne serije, ki jih zaznamujejo tehnična dovršenost in privlačna estetska vsebina. Prevladuje intenca k umetniški fotografiji, ustvarjanju fiktivne ali doživete vizualne fabule ter želja po odkrivanju še ne videnega. Sam učni proces je bil naravnan k spodbujanju čim bolj samostojnega in avtorskega dela.
// Second- and third-year students stand out for their perseverance and desire to exceed the average. They managed to look quite deeply into the very essence of the photographic medium, they developed complex series marked by technical perfection and attractive aesthetic content. Their predominant intention is artistic photography, creating a fictional or experienced visual plot, and the desire to discover the unseen. The learning process itself was aimed at promoting as much as independent and original work as possible.
Avtorji // Authors: Staš Zupanc, Renee Stanič, Kristian Petrovčič (2. letnik// Year 2), Reeba Sufyan, Luka Carlevaris, Domen Vinkov, Aljaž Lavrič (3. letnik // Year 3)
Mentorica // Mentor: Ana Sluga
Kristian Petrovčič, 2. letnik // Year 2
Serija fotografij je nastala z namenom ozaveščanja o nepotrebnem poseganju v naravo, ki nosi resne posledice za prihajajoče generacije. // A series of photographs was created to raise awareness of unnecessary encroachment on nature, which has serious consequences for future generations.

Luka Carlevaris, 3. letnik // Year 3
V islamskem svetu se družba že dalj časa ukvarja s tako imenovanim islamskim feminizmom. Gre za problematiko, ki v mnogih državah deklicam in ženskem prepoveduje pravico do izobraževanja, neomejenega gibanja in svobodnega oblačenja. S fotografsko serijo želim predstaviti ta položaj islamskih žensk, ki morajo že od mladih let nositi burko in prekrivati svojo kožo zaradi verskih zakonov. Ker sem želel uporabiti drugačen pristop, sem v seriji uporabil zgolj en kos blaga, ki sem ga oblikoval v različne forme. // In the Islamic world, society has long been concerned with so-called Islamic feminism. An issue that in many countries prohibits girls and women from having the right to education, unrestricted movement and free dress. With the photo series, I want to present this position of Islamic women who have to wear a burqa and cover their skin from a young age, due to religious laws. Because I wanted to use a different approach, I used only one piece of fabric in the series, which I sculpted into different shapes.
Domen Vinko, 3. letnik // Year 3
Serija je bila posneta med drugo karanteno. Dokumentiral sem preproste razlike v svojem vsakdanjem življenju, ko je bila moja rutina zelo monotona. S tovrstnim dokumentiranjem sem želel prikazati, da obstaja razlika med dnevi, ki se zlivajo v enega samega. // The series was shot during the second quarantine. I documented simple differences in my daily life when my routine was very monotonous. With this kind of documentation, I wanted to show that there is a difference between days merging into a single one.
Samoskeniranje &// Self-scanning
Aljaž Lavrič, 3. letnik // Year 3
Samoskeniranje <-a, -i, -a> SAM. sr. Spol – zajemanje črno-belih lis lastnih potez s pomočjo digitalnega čitalnika
Serija fotografij sestoji iz devetih avtoportretov, ki so bili ustvarjeni s tehniko skeniranja. Med skeniranjem sem s premikanjem ustvaril različne zamegljene in popačene poteze na obrazu.
// Self-scanning (verb) – to capture black and white spots of ones self with the help of a optical reader
The series of photographs consists of nine self-portraits created using the scanning technique. By movement while scanning, I created various blurred and distorted facial features