Bela, črna in prava ljubezen // Black, white and true love
Anja Paternoster | diplomski film // BA film
Ni vsaka ljubezenska zgodba enaka. Nekatere so tragične druge omamne. Vendar vedno obstaja upanje tudi, ko se film konča. Dve liniji, bela ki predstavljata osebe ženskega in črna, ki predstavlja moški spol se premikata po telesu in prikazujeta različna čustva, ki nam prikažejo ljubezensko razmerje. Liniji se razlikujeta po hitrosti gibanja in barvi. Postavljeni sta pred razne preizkušnje. Preko življenjskega potovanja doživita celo paleto različnih čustev. Tudi, ko sta čisto na dnu se ne predata vendar vztrajata s svojim potovanjem do cilja, ki je razumeti pomen besede prava ljubezen. // Not every love story is the same. Some are tragic others stunning. But there is always hope even when the movie ends. Two lines, white representing the female and black representing the male, move across the body. They show different emotions which paints us a love relationship. The lines differ in speed and color. They are faced with various trials. Through a life journey they experience a whole range of different emotions. Even at their lowest they don’t surrender but persist with their journey to a goal that is to understand the meaning of the words true love.

Zemlječarstvo // Geomancy
Jošt Šeško | diplomski film // BA film
Geomantka opazuje svojega starega golema, ki dela na njenem vrtu. Ugotovi, da že močno kaže znake starosti in da bi bilo potrebno napraviti novega. V knjigi poišče recept, kako ga narediti. Svojemu staremu golemu naroči, da ji pomaga nabrati sestavine, ki jih za to potrebuje. Golem ji kljub svoji starosti pomaga po najboljših močeh in skupaj po lebdečih otokih zbirata sestavine. Potrebujeta le še zadnjo sestavino – to je jedro golema, ki služi kot njegovo srce. Stari golem se zave, da je le prišel ta čas, zato iztrga svoje jedro in ga da geomantki. // After deducing that her golem is old, a geomancer decides to make a new one. She finds a recipe for her new golem in her book and instructs her old golem to help her gather the ingredients. Together with her golem she gathers the ingredients, untill they venture onto the devastated unfertile islands that make up most of the planet. With some trouble they manage to get the rest of the ingredients. All but the last one. The core of the golem that acts as its heart, enabling it to live. The golem realizes that its time has come. It takes the core out and gives it to the geoman cer, then the golem falls appart. The geomancer animates a new golem with the core and the remaints of the old golem become a new island in the fertile islands.

Maska – Izdelava animiranega filma v tehniki stop animacija // The Mask – Making of an animated film in stop motion technique
Anja Resman | diplomski film // BA film
Predstavitev nastajanja dela produkcije, diplomskega filma Maska v tehniki stop animacija. Dokumentarni video predstavlja prvi del produkcije, nastajanja animiranega filma Maska. Predstavi dva večja sklopa izdelave scenografije ulice in delno izdelavo lutk. Skozi zaporedne postopke spremljamo izdelavo. Film je namenjen vizualni predstavitvi, za bolj podrobno razlago izdelave pa zraven sodi tudi e-knjiga. // Part of the production presentation, the graduation film Mask in stop motion technique. The documentary video represents the first part of the production, the making of the animated film The Mask. Film presents two major parts, street scenography and partial puppet making. Thru video, we monitor the production through successive procedures. The film is intended for visual presentation, for a more detailed explanation of the production, an e-book is also included.