3. letnik // Year 3
Nosilni modul Animacija // Carrier Module: Animation | Mentorji // Mentors: Kolja Saksida, Timon Leder, Milanka Fabjančič, Mateja Starič, Peter Povh
Grafično oblikovanje // Graphic design Mentor: Timon Leder
Na pričujoči razstavi je predstavljen en zaključen diplomski film, ustvarjen na osnovi avtorske zgodbe z naslovom Bus, realiziran v tehniki 2D animacija. Na ogled je tudi več napovednikov diplomskih projektov v nastajanju.
Študentje tretjih letnikov modula Animacija ustvarjajo diplomske animirane filme na osnovi svojih avtorskih zgodb in dokumentacije za produkcijo. Vsaka dokumentacija vsebuje ključne elemente, ki so potrebni za uspešno produkcijo animiranega filma, kot so tehnični podatki o filmu, sinopsis, scenarij, likovna zasnova, zgodboris, režijska vizija, terminski plan in reference. Pripravili so tudi plakate.
Študentje nadaljujejo z delom na svojih avtorskih animiranih filmih v različnih tehnikah.
// At the present exhibition, one finished graduation film is presented, created on the basis of the student’s own story entitled Bus, produced in the 2D animation technique. Also, on display there are several trailers for graduation projects in progress.
Third-year students of the Animation module create graduate animated films based on their own stories and production documentation. Each documentation contains the key elements necessary for the successful production of an animated film, such as the technical data of the film, synopsis, script, concept art, story, director’s vision, schedule and references. They prepared also posters. Students continue to work on their own animated films in a variety of techniques.
BUS – diplomski film // THE BUS – BA film
Parisa Zaeri, 3min 28s, 2021
Dekle odkrije avtobus, v katerem se je čas ustavil. V njem želi pustiti svojo mačko in ji tako rešiti življenje. Toda najprej mora prepričati osebo, ki tam stanuje že od druge svetovne vojne. // A girl discovers a bus in which the time has stopped. She wants to keep her cat in it to save her from getting old and dying, but first she has to convince the person who has been there since WW II.
Ana Prebil
Prajuha se kuha in v njej se začnejo razvijati najrazličnejši organizmi, katere radovednost prav hitro popelje na kopno, kjer se družijo in naprej spreminjajo v druge organizme. Na nebu se pojavi grožnja, kateri morda ne bodo kos. // In the sea little bubbles start to turn into beings that continue to change and evolve into other creatures, until someday curiosity brings them to the shore where they adapt to the new life. But there is a threat looming in the sky – one they cannot hide from.

KRISTALNO JASNO – napovednik // CRYSTAL CLEARV – trailer
Maja Grčki
V času pandemije človek ugotovi, da njegove nočne more postajajo resničnost. Spremljamo življenje glavnega junaka in kako se spopada s pritiski pandemije. // In the time of the pandemic, man realizes that his nightmares are becoming a reality. We are following the life of the main character and how he is dealing with the pressure of the pandemic.

PUSTITE ME DIHATI – napovednik // LET ME BREATH – trailer
Katarina Brglez
Sledimo mislim osebe, ki se spopada z duševno boleznijo. Abstraktne podobe v gibanju nam prikažejo občutke depresije, tesnobe in samopoškodovanja. Zgodba je prepletena in se dopolnjuje s pesmijo, ki se s svojim bistvom približa različnim duševnim stanjem. // We follow the thoughts of a person struggling with mental illness. Abstract images in motion show us feelings of depression, anxiety, and self-harm. The story is intertwined and complemented by a poem that, with its essence approaches different mental states.