Sodelovanje s festivalom Cinemasports iz Tajvana je postalo že tradicionalno, našim študentom je takšna dodatna aktivnost izziv. Vsako leto se nekaj skupin študentov odloči sodelovati v tej tekmi s časom in večina naših skupin se je vsa leta uvrščala zelo visoko. Sodelujoči na določen dan pripravljeni čakajo na začetek tekme, ko jim organizatorji festivala sporočijo tri skrivne sestavine, ki jih mora film imeti. Za izvedbo in pošiljanje imajo na voljo le 10 ur. Študentje, ki vstopijo v to, se morajo samoorganizirati. Snema se običajno na soboto, ko so doma, zato nekateri vpletejo tudi svoje prijatelje izven akademije. Pristopi so različni, a ne glede na vse, se vključeni marsikaj naučijo. Prvi letniki morda skozi to sploh prvič delajo film v sodelovanju z novimi sošolci. Poleg produkcije je del izkušnje tudi sodelovanje z organizatorji festivala, vse potrebno morajo oddati, in če so uvrščeni na lestvico najboljših, se morajo študentskemu občinstvu na Tajvanu tudi javiti v živo. Letos se je uspelo uvrstiti trem filmom, tudi enemu iz prvega letnika. // Collaboration with the Cinemasports Festival from Taiwan has become traditional. Such an additional activity is a special kind of challenge for our students. Each year, a few groups of students choose to participate in this time race and most of our groups have ranked very high over the years. Participants wait for the start of the match on a certain day, ready to react quickly, when the organizers of the festival send them the three secret ingredients that the film must have. They only have 10 hours for the whole process, from the idea to the final film. Students who enter into this need to self-organize. Approaches vary, but no matter what, those involved learn a lot. First-year students may be making a film in collaboration with new classmates for the first time ever. In addition to the production, part of the experience is also working with the festival organizers. They have to submit the film and if they are ranked among the best, they also have to address the student audience in Taiwan live. This year, three films qualified, including one from the first year.
| Mentorica // Mentor: prof. Rene Rusjan