Za zaprtimi roletami // Behind closed shutters
Miha Reja
Godrnjava pošast, ki se svetu prikazuje kot človek, je ujeta v neskončnem ciklu. Neprestano dela in nima prostega časa. Po službi se zateče v nočni klub…
// A grumpy monster, portraying itself to the world as a human, is trapped in an endless cycle. He works constantly and has no free time. After work, he goes to a club…

Pipi & Popi
Katja Pivk
Pipi in Popi sta enojajčna piščančka. Iz majhnega prepira nastane prava katastrofa. Medsebojni odnosi so pomembni, glej da ostaneš v dobrih.
// Pipi and Popi are identical chickens. A small quarrel creates a real catastrophe. Relationships are important, beware that you stay in the good ones.

Realnost // Reality
Ece Horasanli, Ezgi Sakin
The city of insects appears in the dark and crowded where insects live. An old building stands in the center. At this hour of the morning we see those insects who goes to their works. We rise to the 3rd floor of the old building. We zoom in the window. Our character gets up and goes to the shelf next to him with his sleeplessness. He is looking for his essential thing for him,his ‘’Virtual reality glass’’. He found it, he puts it immediately. Now we are seeing through his eyes. He gets up off the bed with a grunt. Fade in and fade out. We follow the steps as he go. The door closes behind him. It starts walking in the insect crowd on the street. We notice all the insects wearing their glasses. He enter a store nearby. We see the store with a wide angle. There are many insects who pick clothes and who pay in the cash etc. We heard the announcements, crowd noise and such. He is looking around and pick some clothes and go to mirror. The dress does not fit on it, pouring of his crooked body. Thanks to his glasses, he sees itself beautifully in the image of the mirror, the dress is also look very good. But we see his hunch back. It goes to the cabin with the dress. And he closes the curtain,when the screen is closed, the words ”reality” appears on the curtain and fade out.

Katarina Brglez
Dekle po imenu Angel, ki je priklenjena, se psihično bori s senčnimi demoni, kateri jo praskajo in ji trgajo obleko. Na enkrat se pojavi kanček svetlobe, ki ponazarja neko upanje. Dekle se želi osvoboditi in poskuša odleteti proti svetlobi. Z par neuspehi ji končno uspe zlomiti verige in poleti v belino.
// A girl named Angel, who is chained, mentally struggles with the shadow demons scratching her and reaping her clothes. At once, a hint of light appears, presenting someone’s hope. The girl wants to free herself and tries to fly towards the light. With a couple of failures, she finally managed to break the chains and flights into the light.

A companion from closet
Parisa Zaeri
A girl who has lost her dancing partner discovers a new one when she puts a picture of her partner and her in the pocket of her partner’s jacket, the only thing from him which is remained. The new partner is now his revived jacket and she tries to dance with it just like she used to do with her partner. It works pretty well first but when the jacket wants to hug her she realizes that it is nothing but a jacket and facing with this fact, makes her want to get rid of the illusionary jacket. The jacket however doesn’t seem happy about leaving her but finally she succeeds to throw it away where nothing exists except the darkness.

Sproščeno // Unleashed
Maja Grčki
Sproščeno je kratka animacija o iskanju vašega sloga, to je iskanju, kdo v resnici ste. Čeprav lik sprva ne uspe, še naprej poskuša in na koncu doseže svoj cilj.
// Unleashed is a short animation about finding your style, that is finding who you really are. Even though the character doesn’t succeed at first he keeps on trying and in the end achives his goal.
Študentje drugega letnika nosilnega modula animacija so v predprodukcijskem procesu na osnovi lastne zgodbe pripravili sinopsis, scenarij, likovno zasnovo in zgodboris. Tekom produkcijske delavnice animiranega filma je vsak izmed študentov na osnovi svojih dokumentov ustvaril avtorski animirani film in v fazi postprodukcije poskrbel za končno obdelavo slike in za zvočno kuliso filma. Študentje so animirane filme ustvarili v različnih tehnikah po lastnem izboru. Tekom delavnice je ustvarila kratki animirani film Družina prstov tudi študentka tretjega letnika.
Poleg animiranega filma so študentje drugega letnika pričeli z razvojem diplomskega projekta in pripravo celotne dokumentacije zanj. Razvili so vsebinsko in likovno zasnovo animiranega filma, ki ga bodo realizirali v tretjem letniku.
// Based on their own stories, students of the second year of the Animation module prepared their synopsis, script, concept design and storyboard in preproduction. Throughout the animation workshop, each student used their own materials to create and capture an original animated film, and then performed the image processing and sound score composing for the film in postproduction. Students chose their own preferred animation technique. During the workshop a third-year student also created the short animated film The Finger Family.
In addition to their original animated film, second-year students began developing their graduation projects with all the corresponding materials. They worked on the narrative and artistic concept of the graduation film they will be realizing in their third study year.
DUP // DAP 2 & 3 | Nosilni modul: Animacija // Carrier Module: Animation | Mentorji // Mentors: Kolja Saksida, Timon Leder, Mateja Starič, Peter Povh