3D animacija – vaje // 3D animation – exercises

Mentor: Andraž Kržič
Udeleženke // Participants: Katja Pivk, Parisa Zaeri, Katarina Brglez, Maja Grčki

Pri predmetu 3D animacija so študentje morali najti zvočni posnetek iz poljubnega filma, animacije ali katerikoli drug zvočni posnetek, dolg od 10  do 20 sekund. Na ta posnetek so nato animirali že pripravljene 3D modele v programu Autodesk Maya. Idejo za animacijo so ustvaril sami. Animiranje je potekalo po stopnjah: najprej so postavili glavne poze, nato vmesne poze in na koncu je sledilo animiranje detajlov in upoštevanje dvanajstih principov animacije. Na ta način je vsak študent izdelal kratko animirano sekvenco svoje ideje. Študentom je izziv predstavljalo tudi spoznavanje s programom Autodesk Maya, ki je tako kot ostali programi za 3D animiranje precej tehnično zahteven, zato sem študentom pomagal s svojimi izkušnjami. Tako so pridobili nekaj osnovnega znanja o programu in kako sistematično izdelati kratko animirano sekvenco.

// In the 3D animation course, students had to find an audio clip from a movie, animation, or any other audio clip that was 10 to 20 seconds long. For this clip they then animated 3D models in Autodesk Maya. They came up with the idea for the animation themselves. The animation took place in stages: first the main poses were set, then the intermediate poses, and finally the animation of the details, and the implementation of the twelve principles of animation. In this way, each student produced a short animated sequence of their idea. The challenge for the students was also to get acquainted with the Autodesk Maya program, which, like other 3D animation programs, is quite technically demanding, so I helped the students with my experience. Thus, they gained some basic knowledge about the program and how to systematically produce a short animated sequence.