TV Free Europe

BREZ STRAHU – TV oddaja // FEAR FREE – TV show
Udeleženci // Participants: Ivana Kalc, Vasily Kuzmich, Luka Mavrič, Parisa Zaeri, Matej Rimaič, Kristian Petrovčič, Una Savić, Staš Zupanc, Nabil Nazeem, Immanuel Hofman
Mentorici // Mentors: Sarah Günther in Jasna Hribernik

Napovednik // Trailer

BREZ STRAHU je televizijska oddaja, ki bo končana konec junija. Nastajala je v drugem delu mednarodne delavnice TV Free Europe kot skupinsko delo sodelujočih študentkov. Kot izhodišče za razmišljanje o strahu in njegovih številnih obrazih so imeli intervju z Janijem Novakom iz skupine Laibach, ki je prav tako nastal kot del iste delavnice. // FEAR FREE is a TV show that will be finished in the end of June. It was created in the second part of the international workshop TV Free Europe as a group work of participating students. As a starting point for thinking about fear and its many faces, they made an interview with Jani Novak from the music group Laibach, which was also created as part of the same workshop.


TV FREE EUROPE je bila zamišljena kot praktična umetniška delavnica, kjer bi s študenti raziskovali različne možnosti svobode (predvsem svobode govora) v današnjem času in v zgodovinskem kontekstu padca Berlinskega zidu. Osnovna ideja projekta je bilo raziskovanje različnih novih možnosti znotraj televizijskega medija kot umetniške platforme in nove javne sfere, kjer bi bila slišana mnenja in glasovi ljudi brez posebnih konsenzov, kjer bi se odvijali dialogi in kjer bi nagovorili ljudi naj izstopijo iz območij udobja in spregovorijo o pomembnih temah. Zaradi Covida je skozi celotno študijsko leto delavnica potekala prek spleta in podobno kot marsikatera druga je odprla nove teme, nova vprašanja in zamisli. V praktičnem delu smo se posvetili strahu in ustvarili televizijsko delo z naslovom Brez strahu.


TV FREE EUROPE was conceived as a practical art workshop where students would explore the various possibilities of freedom (especially freedom of speech) today and in the historical context of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The basic idea of the project was to explore various new possibilities within the television medium as an art platform and a new public sphere, where the opinions and voices of people without special consensus would be heard, where dialogues would take place and where people would be persuaded to step out of their comfort zones and talk about important topics. Because of Covid, the workshop was held online throughout the academic year and, like many others, opened up new topics, new questions and ideas. In the practical part, we focused on fear and created a television work entitled Without Fear.