Prostor in čas v gibljivih podobah // Space & Time in moving images

Modul Sodobne umetniške prakse // Contemporary art practices module
Magisterij, 1. letnik // MA, year 1
Avtorice // Authors: Anja Resman, Ivana Kalc
Mentorica // Mentor: Jasna Hribernik

Predmet »Prostor in čas v gibljivih slikah« je sestavljen iz teoretičnega in praktičnega dela. Skozi analizo izbranih umetnikov in umetniških del iz različnih obdobij in predstavitvijo izbranih poglavij iz filozofije, arhitekture in naravoslovja študentje spoznavajo različne predstave in poglede na pojem časa in prostora. Ti različni vidiki prostora in časa med znanostjo in umetnostjo širijo meje vsakdanjega izkustva in študentom omogočajo artikulacijo, umetniško interpretacijo in uporabo obeh pojmov pri lastnem ustvarjanju izven utečenih praks in predpisanih pravil. // The course “Space and Time in Moving Images” consists of theoretical and practical work. Through the analysis of selected artists and artworks from different time periods, and the presentation of selected chapters from philosophy, architecture, and natural sciences, students get in touch with different ideas and views on the concept of time and space. These different aspects of space and time between science and art expand the boundaries of everyday experience and allow students to articulate, artistically interpret, and use both concepts in their own creative work, outside of established practices and prescribed rules.

Anja Resman

Prazen prostor // Empty Space

Pri izdelavi vizualne oblike upodobitve praznega prostora sem se zatekla nazaj v naravo, s katero ustvarjam nove zanimive abstraktne oblike in podobe.Avdiovizualno delo gledalca popelje skozi nov svet abstraktne narave in občutka plavanja po praznem prostoru kjer ni nič, a hkrati si tam ti. // In creating a visual form of depicting empty space, I turned back to nature, with which I created new interesting abstract shapes and images. The audiovisual work takes the viewer through a new world of abstract nature and the feeling of swimming through an empty space where there is nothing, but at the same time you are there.

Ivana Kalc

Time Is A Physical Dimension

Ivana Kalc

Polupani lončići // Broken Pots

»Polupani lončići« (»razbiti lončki«) je izraz, ki smo ga kot otroci vpili med igranjem, ko bi nekdo kršil pravila igre. Igranje bi se takrat zaustavilo in vsi otroci bi na ves glas vpili »po-lu-pa-ni lon-či-ći!« in igra bi se lahko začela znova – »polupanilončići« je pomenilo nekakšno resetiranje igre. To delo zajema gibanje skozi otroške podobe in prikliče preteklost, ob katero se spotikamo in katera nam da možnost, da se resetiramo v sedanjosti. Uprizorjeni čas se podaljša s tehniko stop motion in pušča prazen prostor za domišljijo in spomin. »Polupanilončići« je kratki film, ki spomine na otroštvo hrani v slikah, zvokih in čutilih. // “Polupani lončići” (“Broken pots”) is an expression that we as kids would yell while playing when someone would break the rules of the game. The game would then stop, all the kids would yell from the top of the lungs “po-lu-pa-ni-lon-či-ći!” and the game could start again – “polupani lončići” was sort of a reset of the game. Capturing movement through childhood images, this work evokes past, upon which we stumble and which makes us reset in the present. Staged time is prolonged by using stop motion technique and it leaves empty space for imagination and recollection. “Polupani lončići” is a short film that holds our childhood memories in images, sounds and senses.