Študijski animirani filmi // Animated study films

2. letnik // Year 2 Mentorji // Mentors: Kolja Saksida, Timon Leder, Milanka Fabjančič, Mateja Starič, Peter Povh
Grafično oblikovanje // Graphic design Mentor: Timon Leder

Študentje drugega letnika nosilnega modula animacija so v predprodukcijskem procesu na osnovi lastne zgodbe pripravili režjisko vizijo, sinopsis, scenarij, likovno zasnovo in zgodboris. Tekom produkcijske delavnice animiranega filma je vsak izmed študentov na osnovi svojih dokumentov ustvaril avtorski animirani film in v fazi postprodukcije poskrbel za končno obdelavo slike in zvočno kuliso filma. Študentje so animirane filme ustvarili v različnih tehnikah po lastnem izboru.

Poleg animiranega filma so študentje drugega letnika pričeli z razvojem diplomskega projekta in pripravo celotne dokumentacije zanj, tudi plakatov. Razvili so vsebinsko in likovno zasnovo animiranega filma, ki ga bodo realizirali v tretjem letniku.

// Based on their own ideas, students of the second year of the Animation module prepared their director’s vision,  synopsis, script, concept art and storyboard in preproduction. Throughout the animation workshop, each student used their own materials to create and capture an original animated film, and then performed the image processing and sound design for the film in postproduction. Students chose their own preferred animation technique. In addition to their original animated film, second-year students began developing their diploma projects with all the corresponding materials., also posters. They worked on the narrative and artistic concept of the diploma film they will be realizing in their third study year

In addition to their original animated film, second-year students began developing their diploma projects with all the corresponding materials. They worked on the narrative and artistic concept of the diploma film they will be realizing in their third study year.

SLAVA // GLORY, Martin Lozej

Upodobitev stare družinske zgodbe, ki govori o moji babici (Ivanka) in njenem bratu (Jože). Pred nekaj več kot stoletjem, tik po prvi svetovni vojni, so ljudje na vipavskem stradali. Po razpadu Avstro-Ogrske se je del slovensko govorečega območja predal Italiji, ki je začela prebivalcem pošiljati hrano, da bi jim olajšala življenje. Kočija, polna žakljev riža, prispe v vas, kjer moji babici vojak preda en žakelj za njeno družino. Babica ga odnese domov, a se kmalu zatem pojavi njen brat, patriot in vojak Avstro-Ogrske. Zagleda italijanski napis na žaklju in kljub stanju pomanjkanja v družini, raztrese ves riž po dvorišču. // A depiction of an old family story about my grandmother (Ivanka) and her brother (Jože). A little over a century ago, just after the First World War, people in Vipava were starving. After the disintegration of Austria-Hungary, part of the Slovene-speaking area was given to Italy, which began sending food to the inhabitants in order to make their lives easier. A carriage full of sacks of rice arrives in the village, where a soldier hands my grandmother a sack for her family. Grandmother takes the sack home, but soon after, her brother, a patriot and soldier of Austria-Hungary, appears. He sees an Italian inscription on a sack and, despite a state of deprivation in the family, scatters all the rice around the yard.

AI, Wadha Amoor

V praznem japonskem mestu je živela Ai (19). Našla je ljubezen na drugem planetu. Toda razdalja med njima je bila tako velika, da se je počutila vse bolj osamljeno. Kioshi jo je redno kontaktiral, dokler njuna povezava ni padla. Tako se je odločila, da gre k njemu po lestvi, ki povezuje oba svetova (metafora za njen pogum in odločnost), ne da bi vedela, da prihaja tudi k njej. Srečata se na sredini. // In an empty city in Japan there was Ai (19). She found love on another planet. But the distance between them was so broad that she felt increasingly lonely. Kioshi was contacting her on a regular basis, until their connection failed. So, she decided to go to him on a ladder that connects the two worlds (metaphor of her courage and determination), not knowing that he is coming to her as well. They meet in the middle.

BARD, Luka Mavrič

Laponec, ki živi osamljen sredi ničesar, gre na lov za hrano. // A Sami, who lives alone in the middle of nowhere, goes on a hunt for food.


B je smrt s koso. Povzpne se na streho, kjer si ogleduje prazne ulice nočnega mesta. Zagleda lepo oblečenega človeka ter mu sledi. Previdna je, da je ne opazi. Drugi moški se pridruži prvemu in po kratkem prepiru prvi leži na tleh mrtev. Sedaj mora B samo pobrati njegovo dušo. // B is a grim reaper. He climbs to the rooftop, where he looks at the empty streets of the night city. He spots a well-dressed dressed man and follows him. He is careful not to notice him. The second man joins the first and after a short quarrel the first lies on the ground dead. Now B just has to collect his soul.

FOUR OF A KIND, Nika Karner

V ježevem brlogu se zberejo štiri živali za igro pokra. Živali se posedejo za okroglo mizo in pričnejo z igro. Jež po imenu George razdeli karte in žetone. Karto za karto polaga na sredino mize, dokler ne položi še zadnje. V tem trenutku eden od igralcev opazi goljufijo, ki se dogaja pred njegovimi očmi. Ta goljufija sproži kaos, zaradi katerega se na koncu skoraj vse živali pobijejo. Edini ki še stoji, je seveda George. Ko se vse umiri, George prične s čiščenjem in pripravo naslednje igre. // In the hedgehog’s den, four animals gather to play poker. The animals sit down at a round table and start playing. A hedgehog named George deals cards and chips. He places card after card in the middle of the table until he puts the last one. At this point, one of the players notices the fraud happening before his eyes. This fraud triggers chaos that eventually kills almost all the animals. The only one still standing is George, of course. When everything calms down, George starts cleaning up and preparing for the next game.


Birdie je po izgledu grob mladenič, ki nima veliko zanimanja za svet zunaj sebe. Toda nekega dne na vlaku zagleda Sophie, svoje čisto nasprotje. V trenutku se začne zaljubljati vanjo. Tekom naslednjega leta se vsakič znova vrača na vlak v upanju, da se bo opogumil in jo ogovoril, vendar se vsakič sreča z drugačno oviro. Bo uspel v svojih namerah? // Birdie is a very rough looking young man who doesn’t have much of an interest outside of himself. However, one day while riding on a train he spots Sophie, his polar opposite, and immediately starts developing a crush on her. He keeps returning to the train in the following year, hoping to take courage to talk to her but is faced with different obstacles each time. Will he succeed in his intentions?