Vaja montaže // Editing exercise
Mentor: Matjaž Janković
Pri montaži so študentje dobili vajo, da v eni uri posnamejo in zmontirajo film v dolžini največ ene minute. Vsebina je bila poljubna, zvok in sliko pa so lahko posneli s telefonom, fotoaparatom ali kamero. Namen vaje je bil, da izrazijo svoje misli in dejanja v dnevni rutini oz. izsek iz svojega vsakdana. Naloga je bila morda malo bolj zahtevna zaradi časovnega okvira, ki pripomore k višji stopnji stresa.
// The students at the editing classwere given an assignment, to shoot and edit a film of a maximum duration of one minute in one hour. The content was optional, and the sound and image could be recorded with a phone or camera. The purpose of the exercise was to express their thoughts and actions in the daily routine or an excerpt from their everyday life. The task was perhaps a little more challenging due to the time frame that contributes to the higher stress level.